@¨@¨@@@¨@@ @¨¨¨¨@¨¨¨¨
@@@@¨¨@@¨¨ @¨¨¨@@¨¨¨@
¨¨¨@¨@¨@¨@ @¨¨@¨@¨¨@¨
¨¨@@@@@@@¨ @¨@@@@¨@@¨
¨@¨¨¨¨¨¨@@ @@¨¨¨@@¨@¨
@@¨¨¨¨¨@¨¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨@¨¨@¨@@@¨
¨@¨¨¨¨@@¨@ ¨ %%//%% ¨ ¨ %%//%% ¨ @@¨@@@¨¨@@
@@¨¨¨@¨@@@ ¨ %%»»@@»»%% ¨ the ¨ %%»»@@»»%% ¨ ¨@@¨¨@¨@¨@
¨@¨¨@@@¨¨@ /»»@@##@@»»/ % % /»»@@##@@»»/ @¨@¨@@@@@¨
@@¨@¨¨@¨@¨ ¨ %%»»@@»»%% ¨%% shower %%¨ %%»»@@»»%% ¨ @@@@¨¨¨¨@¨
¨@@@¨@@@@@ %¨ %%//%% ¨%% %%¨ %%//%% ¨% ¨¨¨@¨¨¨@@@
@¨¨@@¨¨¨¨@ # ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ # ¨¨@@¨¨@¨¨@
@¨@¨@¨¨¨@¨ % deep below % ¨@¨@¨@@¨@¨
@@@@@¨¨@@¨ ground level, several elevators down, @@@@@¨@@@@
¨¨¨¨@¨@¨@¨ in the dark water where the surface ¨¨¨¨@@¨¨¨¨
¨¨¨@@@@@@¨ light doesn't reach, and warmth comes ¨¨¨@¨@¨¨¨¨
¨¨@¨¨¨¨¨@@ mostly from below - here is the shower. ¨¨@@@@¨¨¨¨
¨@@¨¨¨¨@¨@ ¨@¨¨¨@¨¨¨¨
@¨@¨¨¨@@@¨ it is dark. you strip, and it's cold. @@¨¨@@¨¨¨¨
@@@¨¨@¨¨@¨ your feet feel the cold stone floor, ¨@¨@¨@¨¨¨@
¨¨@¨@@¨@@@ your hands find the rubber handles to @@@@@@¨¨@¨
¨@@@¨@@¨¨@ guide you into the cabin. ¨¨¨¨¨@¨@@¨
@¨¨@@¨@¨@¨ ¨¨¨¨@@@¨@¨
@¨@¨@@@@@@ and then, the hot water, the ¨¨¨@¨¨@@@@
@@@@¨¨¨¨¨¨ underground rain. drenching you, ¨¨@@¨@¨¨¨¨
¨¨¨@¨¨¨¨¨@ lathering you. infused with oils and ¨@¨@@@¨¨¨@
¨¨@@¨¨¨¨@¨ scents. and then, also from above, the @@@¨¨@¨¨@@
¨@¨@¨¨¨@@¨ shower creatures. first their black ¨¨@¨@@¨@¨@
@@@@¨¨@¨@¨ velvet arms, touching, and then entire ¨@@@¨@@@@@
¨¨¨@¨@@@@¨ bodies. chests and snouts. @¨¨@@¨¨¨¨¨
¨¨@@@¨¨¨@@ @¨@¨@¨¨¨¨¨
¨@¨¨@¨¨@¨@ the creatures are meant to comfort you, @@@@@¨¨¨¨¨
@@¨@@¨@@@@ keep you entranced, and keep you from ¨¨¨¨@¨¨¨¨¨
¨@@¨@@¨¨¨¨ leaving the cabin prematurely. this ¨¨¨@@¨¨¨¨@
@¨@@¨@¨¨¨@ whole ordeal works best if you are not ¨¨@¨@¨¨¨@@
@@¨@@@¨¨@¨ transformed too early, and are instead ¨@@@@¨¨@¨¨
¨@@¨¨@¨@@@ allowed to enjoy the shower for a while. @¨¨¨@¨@@¨@
@¨@¨@@@¨¨¨ @¨¨@@@¨@@@
@@@@¨¨@¨¨@ you are steamed, caressed, cleaned, @¨@¨¨@@¨¨¨
¨¨¨@¨@@¨@@ modified, liquified; dissolved and @@@¨@¨@¨¨@
¨¨@@@¨@@¨¨ drained... and then brought back, ¨¨@@@@@¨@@
¨@¨¨@@¨@¨¨ slowly, waking as the water dries off ¨@¨¨¨¨@@¨@
@@¨@¨@@@¨@ of you. cabin open to the cold air @@¨¨¨@¨@@@
¨@@@@¨¨@@@ tickling your fresh-born mind. creature ¨@¨¨@@@¨¨¨
@¨¨¨@¨@¨¨@ hands gone, you step out. @@¨@¨¨@¨¨¨
@¨¨@@@@¨@¨ ¨@@@¨@@¨¨@
@¨@¨¨¨@@@¨ later, elevator back up. new body. @¨¨@@¨@¨@¨
@@@¨¨@¨¨@¨ @¨@¨@@@@@@
¨¨@¨@@¨@@¨ @@@@¨¨¨¨¨¨
¨@@@¨@@¨@¨ ¨¨¨@¨¨¨¨¨¨
@¨¨@@¨@@@@ ¨¨@@¨¨¨¨¨¨
@¨@¨@@¨¨¨@ ¨@¨@¨¨¨¨¨@