#@#§@$=~:, ,:~=$@§#@#
#@#§@$=~:, ,:~=$@§#@#
@@#§@$=~:, ,:~=$@§#@@
#@#§@$=~:, ,:~=$@§#@#
§$=:,,,,,, ,,,,,,:=$§
§§§@$=~,,, Shapeshifter By Physical Introspection, ,,,~=$@§§§
#@#§@$=~:, By Building Clay Figures And Seeing ,:~=$@§#@#
@#@$===~:, Oneself In Them. As Follows: ,:~===$@#@
#@#§@$=~:, ,:~=$@§#@#
@#@=~,,,,, Wolverine== Ratlike, Blood-Seeping, = ,,,,,~=@#@
@#§@@$=~:, ~~~~~~~~~~~ Freaky, Perhaps Too Cool, ,:~=$@@§#@
@§§§@$=~:, ,,,,,,,,,,, Too Sovereign. ========== ,:~=$@§§§@
#@#§@$=~:, Raccoon==== Virus Bearer. Rabies. === ,:~=$@§#@#
#@#§@$=~:, ~~~~~~~~~~~ Handed. Perhaps Too Cute. ,:~=$@§#@#
§§@=:,,,,, Rat======== Critter, Beneath-Dweller, ,,,,,:=@§§
##@$~~~,,, ~~~~~~~~~~~ The Most Ratlike By ===== ,,,~~~$@##
##§§@$=~:, ,,,,,,,,,,, Virtue Of Being One. ==== ,:~=$@§§##
###§@$=~:, ,,,,,,,,,,, Whatever That Is. ======= ,:~=$@§###
§$==:::,,, Armadillo== Little Armored One. ===== ,,,:::==$§
#@#§@$=~:, ~~~~~~~~~~~ Doesn'T Look Dangerous, = ,:~=$@§#@#
#@#§@$=~:, ,,,,,,,,,,, A Bit Pathetic Maybe. === ,:~=$@§#@#
#@==~,,,,, Cat======== Too Noble. ============== ,,,,,~==@#
§§§$$$=~:, Fox======== Too Playful. ============ ,:~=$$$§§§
@@#§@$=~:, Wolf======= The Wolf Is Not A ======= ,:~=$@§#@@
#@#§@$=~:, ~~~~~~~~~~~ =========== Real Creature ,:~=$@§#@#
#@==~~,,,, Magpie===== If It'S Broken-Winged.... ,,,,~~==@#
##@§@$=~:, ~~~~~~~~~~~ Good Temperament. But, == ,:~=$@§@##
#@#§@$=~:, ,,,,,,,,,,, Too Free. =============== ,:~=$@§#@#
@#@$=~~~:, ,:~~~=$@#@
@§@@@$=~:, ,:~=$@@@§@
###§@$=~:, ,:~=$@§###
#@#§@$=~:, ,:~=$@§#@#
@§§$$==~:, ,:~==$$§§@