,:~;***££# #££***;~:,
,:~;*$££## ##££$*;~:,
,:~;*$££## ##££$*;~:,
,,,,,~~~*£ £*~~~,,,,,
,:~;*$££## ##££$*;~:,
,,,:::~;*£ times to be awake. different times £*;~:::,,,
,,,,,~;;$£ to be awake and to become awake. £$;;~,,,,,
,,,::~;$£# waking up at different times. #£$;~::,,,
,:~;*$££## a cheat sheet for revolving people ##££$*;~:,
,:~;*$££## ,,::,,::,,::,,::,,~~~~,,::,,::,,::,,::,, ##££$*;~:,
,,:~;**££# ,,::,,::,,::,,::,,~~~~,,::,,::,,::,,::,, #££**;~:,,
,,,,~~;$££ ££$;~~,,,,
,:~;*$££## ##££$*;~:,
,:~;*££### ;;; nine pm to around one am ;;; ###££*;~:,
,:~;*$£### these are not good hours to wake up ###£$*;~:,
,:~;*$££## since you have a lot of darkness ##££$*;~:,
,:~;*$£££# in front of you, and will shun the #£££$*;~:,
,:~;*$££## day even if you missed its light. ##££$*;~:,
,:~;*$££££ ££££$*;~:,
,:~;*$££## ##££$*;~:,
,:~;*$£££# ~~~ two am to four am ~~~ #£££$*;~:,
,:~;*$££## tricky but serene morning hours in ##££$*;~:,
,:~;*$££## the summer, and maybe a bit too dark ##££$*;~:,
,:~;*$££## in winter. when they are good, they are ##££$*;~:,
,:~;*$££## among the best. the blackbird starts to ##££$*;~:,
,:~;*$££## sing here. the sky turns a dark blue. ##££$*;~:,
,:~;*$££## stars begin to vanish. ##££$*;~:,
,,,::;;*$£ £$*;;::,,,
,:~;*$££## ##££$*;~:,
,:~;;*$$$£ ;;; five am to eight am ;;; £$$$*;;~:,
,:~;*$££## standard early morning, could be good if ##££$*;~:,
,:~;*$££## youre coming here from an earlier waking ##££$*;~:,
,:~;;;*£££ hour. could be bad if youre going £££*;;;~:,
,:~;*$££## backwards. beautiful if you go outside. ##££$*;~:,
,,:::;*£££ £££*;:::,,
,:~;*$£££# #£££$*;~:,
,:~;*$££## ~~~ nine am to twelve pm ~~~ ##££$*;~:,
,:~;*$££## waking up like a reasonable person. ##££$*;~:,
,,,,~**££# #££**~,,,,
,:~;*$££## ##££$*;~:,
,:~;*$££## ;;; one pm to three pm ;;; ##££$*;~:,
,:~;*$$££# still pretty reasonable, but at the #££$$*;~:,
,,,~;;;$££ beginning of something... tricky. ££$;;;~,,,
,:~;*$££## ##££$*;~:,
,,,,,~;$$£ £$$;~,,,,,
,,,:::~~*£ ~~~ four pm to eight pm ~~~ £*~~:::,,,
,:~;*$££## well this is probably the opposite of ##££$*;~:,
,,,,,:;*£# what you should want and not very good. #£*;:,,,,,
,:~;*$££## in summer, youll still have some ##££$*;~:,
,:~;*$££## daylight... in winter, not so much. ##££$*;~:,
,,,:;;;$£# times are going to be tough anyway. #£$;;;:,,,
,:~;*$££## ##££$*;~:,
,,,,:;**££ ££**;:,,,,
,:~;*$£### ###£$*;~:,
,:~;*$££## ##££$*;~:,
,:~;*$££## ##££$*;~:,