@@....@... ..@....@@@
@..@@...@@ @...@@..@@
......@..@ ..@......@
.@@@@..... ....@@@@..
..@@..@@@. @@@..@@..@
.......@.. \\\ wolf \\\ @@........
@@@@@@.... @..@@@@@@@
@@@@@..@@@ wolves are cool dogs who roam in the ....@@@@@@
@@@@....@@ forest and other places, hunting .@@..@@@@@
@@@..@@..@ together, living in wandering, cashless ......@@@@
@@........ societies. .@@@@..@@@
@..@@@@@@. ..@@....@@
....@@@@.. often called the original solarpunk @....@@..@
.@@..@@... animal, they're all about being off the ..@@......
........@@ grid, living off the land, and having a .....@@@@@
.@@@@@@... small footprint (not at all a small @@@@..@@@.
..@@@@..@@ pawprint) .@@....@..
@..@@....@ ....@@...@
......@@.. wolves awoo at the moon because it's .@@....@..
@@@@@....@ the cooler floaty orb i guess, but also ....@@...@
@@@@..@@.. at each other as a form of .@@....@..
.@@......@ communication. which begs the question ....@@....
....@@@@.. if they're not communing with the moon .@@....@@@
.@@..@@... in some way. if there's an exchange. ....@@..@.
........@@ .@@.......
@@@@@@@... when wolves are not in use they reside ....@@@@@@
@@@@@@..@@ in the wolf pool, from which they can @@@..@@@@@
@@@@@....@ be summoned if you know their names. @@....@@@@
@@@@..@@.. @..@@..@@@
@@@......@ ........@@
@@..@@@@.. @@@@@@@..@
@....@@... \\\ maned wolf \\\ @@@@@@....
..@@....@@ .@@@@..@@.
@....@@..@ the most wonderful kind of wolf, he has ..@@......
..@@...... long skinny legs and lives on wolf .....@@@@.
@....@@@@. fruit. a recluse, yes, but he will come @@@@..@@..
..@@..@@.. if offered fatty foods. .@@.......
@........@ ....@@@@@@
..@@@@@@.. .@@..@@@@@
...@@@@... ......@@@.
@@..@@..@@ .@@@@..@..
.........@ ..@@......