@@§£§;=:,, ,,:=;§£§@@
#@@§£§;=:, ,:=;§£§@@#
@@§£§;=:,, ,,:=;§£§@@
@§£§;=:,,, ,,,:=;§£§@
§£§;=:,,,, ,,,,:=;§£§
£§;=:,,,,, # ==================== # ,,,,,:=;§£
§;=:,,,,,, ; the wolf pool exists ; ,,,,,,:=;§
;=:,,,,,,, ; in a stale timeline, ; ,,,,,,,:=;
=:,,,,,,,, ; branched way back ; ,,,,,,,,:=
:,,,,,,,,, ; when kirugu vargir ; ,,,,,,,,,:
,,,,,,,,,, ; was almost barren, ; ,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,,, comprised mostly of rock and arid soil, ,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,,, and plants were only starting to grow, ,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,,, ; at all... ; ,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,,, # ==================== # ,,,,,,,,,,
¨¨¨.,,.,,. .,,.,,.¨¨¨
.,¨..¨.,¨. misplaced explorers traverse the .¨,.¨..¨,.
,,,,...... landscape, searching for a way back, ......,,,,
«:,,¨,.,¨. finding instead only stone and dirt and .¨,.,¨,,:«
:~-,..,.,¨ roots that are as hard as the ground. ¨,.,..,-~:
§†«~...¨¨, it's getting dark, they are thirsty, ,¨¨...~«†§
§*;~.¨..., and about to find the wolf pool. ,...¨.~;*§
#$†;-,¨.¨, ,¨.¨,-;†$#
#@§§:~,¨,, ¨#. ,,¨,~:§§@#
#££&%=«,,, ,,,«=%&££#
##£&§=:=^, the pool lies in a small meteorite ,^=:=§&£##
##£@§\--,. impact crater, sixty meters across. .,--\§@£##
@§&^*=-... it's surface is pitch black and even ...-=*^&§@
#£§;~,,,,, though it's not well protected, it is ,,,,,~;§£#
£%;«.,.¨,. undisturbed by wind. .,¨.,.«;%£
§†«,¨¨,.¨, ,¨.,¨¨,«†§
\«:,.¨,,¨. ¨#¨ .¨,,¨.,:«\
-,.¨¨,..,. .,..,¨¨.,-
:.....,,.¨ as they stumble on the pool, the ¨.,,.....:
.¨.¨¨,,,¨¨ explorers first believe it to be water, ¨¨,,,¨¨.¨.
,¨.,,¨¨.¨, which is something they all desire ,¨.¨¨,,.¨,
¨¨.,.¨¨¨,. greatly at this point. they fail to .,¨¨¨.,.¨¨
..¨.,,,,¨¨ notice that the stars do not reflect on ¨¨,,,,.¨..
¨¨,¨,.,¨¨. its surface. one of them crouches to .¨¨,.,¨,¨¨
,.,,,..¨¨. drink, forms a cup with his hands, .¨¨..,,,.,
..,,,¨¨,,. lowers the cup into the pool. .,,¨¨,,,..
..,,,¨..,, ,,..¨,,,..
-,¨¨¨.,,¨, he tries to resist at first, but is too ,¨,,.¨¨¨,-
†-:,....¨¨ close, and he quickly gives up as the ¨¨....,:-†
$;»^.,..¨¨ liquid flows into his mind. the others, ¨¨..,.^»;$
&$*-~¨,... - not understanding the«danger, move ...,¨~-*$&
¤&*^~.¨¨,. closer to help their.friend. .,¨¨.~^*&¤
#£$=:«,,¨. ¨ - ~ : ¨ .¨,,«:=$£#
##¤%*^«^,. and,then.the¨pool¨announces¨itself .,^«^*%¤##
##¶&%$^~:¨ to.them¨-,sudden,^,thoughts,of, ¨:~^$%&¶##
##¤£%;~^¨. ¨.=dark~wolves«¨climbing-out:of~~~» .¨^~;%£¤##
##§§*=~¨¨, »«=the«pool,-surrounding/them*-*/* ,¨¨~=*§§##
#£§\«:¨... †sudden;thoughts:of~«†climbing/^= ...¨:«\§£#
£$/~^,,.¨, into^the†pool,=their*thirst%flaring^ ,¨.,,^~/$£
%/»,,,..,. *=$bright*-§£a£sudden£$awareness# .,..,,,»/%
=«-..,¨,,, #*of%&exactly§@how£they¤had§traveled, ,,,¨,..-«=
»-,...¨.,¨ ##of£the#way¶home¶@to¶the#time@from## ¨,.¨...,-»
:¨.,¨¨,.¨, #£where@they#came,@####@#and#then#@## ,¨.,¨¨,.¨:
..,,,.,¨.. #####the#feeling#of#this$knowledge*~ ..¨,.,,,..
¨¨¨.,¨¨.,, «-being ~ stolen »~ from ~=~ them. ¨ ,,.¨¨,.¨¨¨
,.¨.,.,.¨. ~~ ¨ ~»~ . =. ~« ~ .¨.,.,.¨.,
.¨,¨¨.,.,, : -~ , , ,,.,.¨¨,¨.
,,,¨..,.¨¨ . , . † ¨¨.,..¨,,,
,¨¨,¨.,... ...,.¨,¨¨,
,,,¨,..¨.¨ .#. ¨.¨..,¨,,,
^,.¨.¨..¨¨ ¨¨..¨.¨.,^
~,,,,,...¨ and, ¨...,,,,,~
†=~¨¨,..¨¨ ¨¨..,¨¨~=†
%*«:,,.¨.. now the reach of the pool has widened. ..¨.,,:«*%
%==~~¨.¨.¨ now its wolves see further. ¨.¨.¨~~==%
&£*/=-¨¨¨. .¨¨¨-=/*£&
¶¤£*^~,.¨. .¨.,~^*£¤¶
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