&&¨¨&&¨&¨& &¨&&¨¨&&¨¨
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¨¨¨&&¨¨¨&& &¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨
¨¨&¨&¨¨&¨¨ # »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» # &¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨
¨&&&&¨&&¨& / the wolf pool exists / &¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨
&¨¨¨&&¨&&¨ / in a stale timeline, / &¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨
&¨¨&¨&&¨&& / branched way back / &¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨&
&¨&&&¨&&¨¨ / when kirugu vargir / &¨¨¨¨¨¨¨&¨
&&¨¨&&¨&¨¨ / was almost barren, / &¨¨¨¨¨¨&&&
¨&¨&¨&&&¨¨ comprised mostly of rock and arid soil, &¨¨¨¨¨&¨¨¨
&&&&&¨¨&¨¨ and plants were only starting to grow, &¨¨¨¨&&¨¨¨
¨¨¨¨&¨&&¨& / at all... / &¨¨¨&¨&¨¨&
¨¨¨&&&¨&&& # »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» # &¨¨&&&&¨&&
.,¤¨¨@§¨,§ £¨#,.,¤@¨#
.¤¤,&,#¨¤& misplaced explorers traverse the §#£,¨¤¨#¤¤
#.@#¤&¤@,¨ landscape, searching for a way back, .¨#,£,¨@
#@,¨¨,¨#.£ finding instead only stone and dirt and ¨§&£¨,@¨¤.
¨£¨,,,¤&@§ roots that are as hard as the ground. £¨¨@¨##£&@
§&,¨.#¨¨.. it's getting dark, they are thirsty, @.¤.¨¨.@
.&.¨&@.,¨£ and about to find the wolf pool. §§,¨&¨..&¨
¤£,£¨¤..¤¨ .£,@@.¨##.
.@§£¤&¨§@. ,#, &&£¨§¨£.§#
#¨,¨¨@&,£¨ ..¤§@¤&@,@
&,¨¨&¨##@. the pool lies in a small meteorite ,&¨..¨.,
@¨,££@¨,@¨ impact crater, sixty meters across. @&..,.§,¤§
§,¤.,£,£§, it's surface is pitch black and even .¤¨.,##£,.
§§§,§¤@,£@ though it's not well protected, it is £¤¨,§,.¤,¤
..@#..¤&,, undisturbed by wind. ¨§,#&,#§§,
,§,¤¨@,#,¨ ¤@£¨&£,.#.
£@&§¤¤¨¤ .#. ,¨§£¨&,££.
.,¨,¨.,£&. ¨#,&££¤.@#
¨¨,¨¨.§¨¤¨ as they stumble on the pool, the #££,..§#.&
,¨¨.,@£&§& explorers first believe it to be water, ..#¨,&,@@@
¨.,¨¤,,,.£ which is something they all desire ¨¤#¨£££¨,#
¨¨¨£¤¨,,£& greatly at this point. they fail to ¤¨£§,¨&¨&@
,.@.#..#¨. notice that the stars do not reflect on ££,§.¤£§,#
.££&@,#§¨, its surface. one of them crouches to ,&§¤§,,¤§§
¤¨,,@¤,§,. drink, forms a cup with his hands, #,,,@,¤,,#
#.¨@.@£&¨, lowers the cup into the pool. &¨,@@£§,§.
£¨¤¤¤¨.@., @.§¨¨,&§£§
£§,¨#,££,¤ he tries to resist at first, but is too &££,¨@,¨,.
¨&,£@§.£§¨ close, and he quickly gives up as the ,,¤¨¤&..,&
@¤#.,£@¨£, liquid flows into his mind. the others, ¨&@&.§..§&
,.@,§¨££ ~ not understanding the~danger, move @,,&£@.§..
,§¤#¤§,.¨@ closer to help their¨friend. @,@,¨@..
¤..,¨&¨¨£& ¨ « - . . ##@¨£¨¨@..
¤.,,&§,£¨¨ and,then.the,pool.announces¨itself .¨&£@,,&
#,¨#¨£@§¨¨ to¨them.-¨sudden¨^.thoughts.of, .¤.,¤&.@&¨
§,£@@¨,@¨@ .-»dark~wolves-.climbing.out-of~:.- ¤£,@¨@¤¨¤§
#§¨¨£.¤¤## ~~«the~pool,»surrounding;them*-/:† ,@##£¨@&,,
¨#,&@§¨,.. /sudden;thoughts;of~~†climbing==% &,,,£§,§¨#
¤@&.,¤¨.,¤ into*the^pool,§their§thirst*flaring* #¨,@¨££#§#
¨,@¨#&¨.&@ *^$bright§-%£a%sudden£%awareness# @,##£¨¨.¨.
.#@£¨@.&¨¨ #%of$£exactly¤@how£they¤had§traveled, ,.£,.,,.
¤¨.#£&§£¨£ #¤of£the@way¶home##to@the¶time¶from¶@ ,£¨¤¤¨,,,¨
@,@,,,¨§£. #@where#they@came,###@###and#then@#@@ §§@,#.¨,.¤
¤#&¨,.&,&£ #####the#feeling#of#this§knowledge\» ¨,#...¤¨
..¤,.£@@.. ==being = stolen «« from ~~~ them. . ,&,.@,,@§@
¨¤#¨&,,£., »~ ¨ ~~« . -. ~~ ~ §¤.£&¨@,.&
&.&§&.§&.. , ,~ ^ , .@&,&&§¨§&
##,,&@.¤¨# , ¨ , $ @,&@.,¤&¨,
,§,@¨&§@ ##,#,#.@,#
£¤¤£#.,,,¨ ,#, ,¤§&¤£@§¤§
.,,,#.,¨.& @,...,,.,.
,¨¨¤&¨¨¨@& and, ¤.,.¨,..,¨
¨,£,£,¨¤¨. ¤¨.¨,¨¨,,,
,¤@@¤.¤@¨& now the reach of the pool has widened. §¨..,¨.,.¨
#,.¨¤@.§§. now its wolves see further. @..,¨¨....
¤.,@¨@¤¨&£ @.¨,¨..,¨§
@.§@@,#&,. ¤,..¨¨,¨&.
§§.,¤£.§¨. #.¨.¨,¨£§£
,&,#¨§£#¨, @.,.¨.§,,.
#¤¤&¤.,#¨¨ &..¨,@£,.¨