jwh zero eighteen (cannabinoid drug)     
 third report                             
 i    felt   the    all    too   familiar 
     constriction of everything, the      
 vividness  of sound  and colors, and the 
         narrowed attention span.         
 here     it     comes,     i    thought. 
 some   birds   tweeted  and   the  sound 
    reverberated in my head, seemingly    
 "behind"  all other sound, like when you 
 daydream   and  see   what  you  imagine 
 clearer   than   what   you   look   at. 
 as i walked toward  my  bike  i  noticed 
 that there  was  a strange humming sound 
 going on, a  dark,  metallic, drone-like 
   monotone thing coming from seemingly   
 all  directions, acting  as  a  backdrop 
           for all other sound.           
 as i rode  toward my house  i understood 
 that  this hum was in  the  other "sound 
              space" as well.             
 (i recorded myself singing in tune  with 
 the sound, so  i  could  find it on  the 
 piano  later.   it   was  a   g  sharp). 
 things  lost  all sense  of  proportion; 
 when i  looked  at them they would  fill 
 my entire vision,  and  without anything 
  changing visually they would oscillate  
 between being  percieved as  very  small 
           or enourmously big.            
 in  the  middle of  the day in  a forest 
 with nobody  around,  i  got  struck  by 
 fear and  climbed  a  great  height.  my 
 inner organs  were  tugged  by  a second 
 gravity.  this made  me  feel  very ill, 
 but  it   lessened  if  i  complied  and 
 lunged  my body in the  felt  direction. 
 this  is  when  i   found   a   dark orb