,,,-^§£@@# #@@£§^-,,,
,,,,-^§£@@ @@£§^-,,,,
,,,,,-^§£@ @£§^-,,,,,
,,,,,,-^§£ £§^-,,,,,,
,,,,,,,-^§ §^-,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,-^ ,,, kirs fields ,,, ^-,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,,- -,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,,, kirs kale is a medium-sized (five to ,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,,- fifteen centimeters high) green plant -,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,-^ which is very nice and we all love it ^-,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,-^§ dearly. §^-,,,,,,,
,,,,,,-^§£ £§^-,,,,,,
,,,,,-^§£@ it grows on the side of the path or @£§^-,,,,,
,,,,-^§£@@ road, very resilient, comes back every @@£§^-,,,,
,,,-^§£@@# year but maybe a little more of it, if #@@£§^-,,,
,,-^§£@@## the snails dont get it first. nice for ##@@£§^-,,
,,,-^§£@@# bugs, webs, there's shade underneath, #@@£§^-,,,
,,,,-^§£@@ etc... @@£§^-,,,,
,,,,,-^§£@ @£§^-,,,,,
,,,,,,-^§£ can take over a little if there's £§^-,,,,,,
,,,,,,,-^§ room--- you get kirs fields, kirs kale §^-,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,-^ fields... usually not for long, maybe a ^-,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,,- season or two. -,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,,, they are edible raw, you can crawl ,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,,, around in the field and take a bite now ,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,,- and then. but watch out, there might be -,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,-^ dirt or a bug on the leaf! ^-,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,-^§ §^-,,,,,,,
,,,,,,-^§£ ,, £§^-,,,,,,
,,,,,-^§£@ @£§^-,,,,,
,,,,-^§£@@ a little like the antenna plant but @@£§^-,,,,
,,,-^§£@@# without the reception, you know #@@£§^-,,,
,,-^§£@@## ##@@£§^-,,
,,,-^§£@@# #@@£§^-,,,
,,,,-^§£@@ @@£§^-,,,,
,,,,,-^§£@ @£§^-,,,,,
,,,,,,-^§£ £§^-,,,,,,
,,,,,,,-^§ §^-,,,,,,,