.:-\*#£### ###£#*\-:.
....:\%%*# #*%%\:....
.:-\%*#£## ##£#*%\-:.
.:-\%*#£## ##£#*%\-:.
.:-\%*#£## ##£#*%\-:.
.:-\\\*##£ They Built The Final Nightclub On Top £##*\\\-:.
.:-\%*#£## Of An Undocumented Research Site. Each ##£#*%\-:.
.:-\%%%##£ Floor Closer To The Collapsed Warp £##%%%\-:.
.:-\%*#£## Prototype. Did They Know At The Start? ##£#*%\-:.
....:\\\*£ Classified Maps Had Gone Missing Some £*\\\:....
.:-\%**##£ Years Before. £##**%\-:.
.:-\%*#£## ##£#*%\-:.
.:-\%*#£## The Deeper You Descend, The Stranger ##£#*%\-:.
....:-\*£# The Environment - First More #£*\-:....
.:-\%*#£## Enthralling And Intrusive, Then Seedy ##£#*%\-:.
...:-%**## And Predatory, But Pierce Deeper And ##**%-:...
....::\*££ There Will Be More Peculiar Effects. ££*\::....
.:-\%%*### Your Sense Of Space Will Seem To ###*%%\-:.
...::-%*## Distort (It'S Actually The Spacetime ##*%-::...
.:-\%%%%*£ Itself That Is Becoming Fluid), Then £*%%%%\-:.
.....:\*## Your Body, And Finally Your Sense Of ##*\:.....
.:-\%*#£## Self. ##£#*%\-:.
.:-\%*#£££ £££#*%\-:.
.:-\%*#£## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ##### ### ##£#*%\-:.
.:-\%*#£## ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ##### ### ##£#*%\-:.
.:-\%*#£## ### ### ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### ##£#*%\-:.
.:-\%*#£## #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### ##£#*%\-:.
...:\\%*£# ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### #£*%\\:...
.:-\%*#£## ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ##£#*%\-:.
.:-\%*#£## ###### ###### ######## ######## ##£#*%\-:.
.:-\%*#£## ######## ######## ######## ######## ##£#*%\-:.
.:-\%*#£## ######## ######## ######## ######## ##£#*%\-:.
.:-\%*#£## ######## ######## :::::::::::::::::: ##£#*%\-:.
.....::-%# :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: #%-::.....
...:--%*££ :::: :::: :::: ...... ...... ...... ££*%--:...
....-\\%## ...... ...... ...... ..... ..... ..... ##%\\-....
.:-\\%*#£# ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ....... #£#*%\\-:.
.:-\%*#£## ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ##£#*%\-:.
....:\*#££ ....... ...... ...... ...... ...... ££#*\:....
......:\*£ ...... ...... ...... :. :. :. :. :. :. £*\:......
...:--\%#£ :. :. :. :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: £#%\--:...
.:-\%*#### :: :: :- :- :- :- :- :- :- :- :\ :\ :\ ####*%\-:.
.....-\**# :\ :% :% :* :# :£ :# :# -. -: -- -\ -% #**\-.....
...:---%## -* -# -£ -# -# \. \: \- \\ \% \* \# \£ ##%---:...
.:-\%*#£## \# \# %. %: %- %\ %% %* %# %£ %# %# *. ##£#*%\-:.
...:\\%*££ *: *- *\ *% ** *# *£ *# *# #. #: #- #\ ££*%\\:...
.:-\%*#£## #% #* ## #£ ## ## £. £: £- £\ £% £* £# ##£#*%\-:.
.:-\%*£### ££ £# £# #. #: #- #\ #% #* ## #£ ## ## ###£*%\-:.
.:-\%*#££# #. #: #- #\ #% #* ## #£ #££#*%\-:.
.....:-%#£ The Ceiling Is Covered In Actual Stars. £#%-:.....
.:-\%*#£## Eyes Above ##£#*%\-:.
.:-\%*#£## Fading Into Silver Flakes As They Fall ##£#*%\-:.
.:-\%*#£## Bubbles In Drinks ##£#*%\-:.
.:-\%*#£## ##£#*%\-:.
...:-%%*££ Drinks With A Secret Ingredient, That ££*%%-:...
.:-\%*#£## Makes You See The Stars Even When You ##£#*%\-:.
.....--\*£ Close Your Eyes. £*\--.....
.:-\%*#£## ##£#*%\-:.
.:-\\%*#££ At These Deeper Levels It Can Be Hard ££#*%\\-:.
.:-\%*#£## To Remember Who And Where You Are ##£#*%\-:.
.....--%## (Were). Normal Staff Is As Transformed ##%--.....
.:--\\\*#£ As Guests. Instead, Care And Protection £#*\\\--:.
.:-\%*#£## Are Offered By (Overly Flirty) ##£#*%\-:.
....::\*## Pool toys And Other Such Automatons. ##*\::....
.:-\%*#£## ##£#*%\-:.
.:-\%%*### If You Stay Above Absolute Madness, ###*%%\-:.
.:-\%*#£££ There Is Some Sort Of Control To Be £££#*%\-:.
...::\*### Had. You Could Slip Into Your Ideal Dog ###*\::...
.:-\%*#£## Body There, Explore That. You Could ##£#*%\-:.
.:-\%*#£## Drink Poisonous Ambrosia And Not Be ##£#*%\-:.
.:-\%**#£# Burned Away. You Could Explore #£#**%\-:.
.:-\%*#££# Territories Just As Mapless As Those #££#*%\-:.
.:-\%*#£## Closer To The Core, But With A Chance ##£#*%\-:.
.:-\%*#£## Of Finding Your Way Back. ##£#*%\-:.
.:-\%**#££ ££#**%\-:.
....-%*#££ .# .# .# .# .# .# .# .# .# .# .# ££#*%-....
.:-\%*#£## :: The Honey Is A Trap And There'S A :: ##£#*%\-:.
.:-\%*£### -- Sting, A Sting, A Sting. -- ###£*%\-:.
.:-\%*#£## \. It'S In Your Eyes And It'S In Your .\ ##£#*%\-:.
.:--\\\**# %: Mouth And Your Hands, Their Hands :% #**\\\--:.
.:-\%*#£## *- It'S In Your Heart And In Your -* ##£#*%\-:.
.:-\%*#£## #\ Mind And The Minds Of Those Around \# ##£#*%\-:.
.:-\%*#£## £% You, Their Hearts, Their Bodies. %£ ##£#*%\-:.
....::-\*£ #* #* #* #* #* #* #* #* #* #* #* £*\-::....
.:-\%*#£## And If You'Re Lucky, You'Ll Never Get ##£#*%\-:.
.:-\%*#£££ Out. Don'T Bite The Other Guests. £££#*%\-:.
...--\\%*£ (Or Do) £*%\\--...
...::\%*£# #£*%\::...
......-\%# The Deeper The Floor Goes, The More #%\-......
......-%#£ Expensive The Drinks. This Is Not £#%-......
.:-\%*#£## Coincidental. The More Expensive The ##£#*%\-:.
...::\\\%# Drinks, The More Likely It Is That #%\\\::...
.:-\%*#£## Someone Will Buy Them For You. ##£#*%\-:.
.:-\%*#£## This Is Also Not Coincidental. If ##£#*%\-:.
....:\%%## Someone Buys You A Drink, They Are Very ##%%\:....
......:\%# Likely To Take Care Of Your Needs In #%\:......
......-%*£ Other Ways As Well. £*%-......
...:::\%## ##%\:::...
......-\*# #*\-......
.:-\%*#### ####*%\-:.
.:-\%%%*## ##*%%%\-:.
.:-\%*#£## ##£#*%\-:.