¨,¨¨¨,¨.,¨ ¨¨,¨¨..¨¨,
#££§#££§£§ ,£¤§@§¤¤£&
§¤¤£¤@#@§# ¨.@¤#§¤¤¤¤
¤@§§&¤&§#@ .¨.¤@¤&@£#
§#@##&§#@¤ ¤@..&&@§£§
@££&&@£#£# ¨ . ¨ #.,..§@¤¤¤
@&£#@¤@. ¨ .¨##.¨§¤¤§
&@¤§#£§#¨, ¨ ¨ ¨¨¨,,,¨§&¤
##@££,,§ † tiny blue purple ###£§£¨.§&
¤#££¤@.¨.¨ - seal-like (selkie?) creature , §§§#¤,.,,#
§§££¤,¨§#¨ hovering in orbit around« ,@,¨¤@¨.
.@@¤.¨,.¨¨ the earth, spinning, chasing. ¨¨§¨..¨,¨.
¨,#,.§#£&¨ , . £,¨,@&£§@@
¨¨,..,@§.. looks at the sun with laser eyes, ¨.@¨,§##§,
#££&&.¨.¨, looks at the earth's power grid,¨ ,.,¨.¨@¤¨.
¨£#@¨,&@¤& ¨ . , ¤@&@§¨.¨,,
¨¨#¨.¨.§¤, says "hmm...." ~ ¨#§@.¨@#¤£
¨.,,§¤,.,, ¨ ,.¤,,,.@§¨
¤&£¨,¨¨&¤@ $ ¨ ,,.¨££,¨.,
.£¨,§&,.¤# , - ¤##.¨¨¨&£.
.,.....¨¨§ she swims toward the iss. £#¨.@#..,,
§#§¤&¤@£.. matches velocity, phases through the &,,¨.¨¨¤§#
&¤&¤£¤#,¨@ wall to a pockocmoc scientist, , .,£#§£¨,£@
§#§&¤#¨,¨¨ , ¨ ,¨¨#@.,¨.£
&£££@..§§& she says, "hello", &§...¨&@.,
.£¤¤¨,.¨§# she says "are you aware that @,.#£,.¨¨,
¨.@..££.,& there's a burst ,¨,..¨£¤§#
.,¨..¨¨¨,, » coming?" % @£§§&¨.&¤,
£@#§£§&§¤& = .¤£@¨,.¨¨¨
.#¤#@&£§ = and the station personnel ¨,£.,&§¨
,¨§§@###&. are like, no, what, - ..¨¨¨,§£.¨
@.¨§&¤§¤., who are you, etcetera, etcetera. @§&§@,¨,.§
..¨¨#£#¨¨¨ ^ ; @£##.,¤&.,
£@¤¨¨&,¨¤§ she says;"i can protect you £§¤¨.,,¨.&
@¤.,¨..,,, / in your tin can, * : ##,.§§£¤¨,
,¨.#@#@£@# but your planetary friends, £ &.,,¨#&.¨,
#&,,£@§¤ their grid will be burned." § .,&&¨.,.¤§
£.¨..@£§## * % = * ,...¨£¤,¨#
.,@£,¨§£&¤ she says "you will be alone @ # ¤£@§¨,¨,..
#¨,,¨,¨@¤@ & for a while". ^ * ,££..@&£§#
.,¤&¤&,.§& § # # ,..,¨¨@¤
...£¤.¨.¨£ § @ @ $ & £ †@ = * &£&£&.,¤@¨
@@¨,¨¨§@¨. ..the selkie phases back out,.:~-@,#:~.: ¤£&&,¨,¨.¨
.¨.££,,,¨£ ¤/£=§†§/£†£spreads her membranes,;£*#*#: ¤@&.,¤@§@,
¤#.¨..#@¨. %£§@§%§%$§£$like fluid insect wings,£$%¤ ¤¤¨,.¨§¤..
¨.¨¤&¨,.,@ #¨,# #¨a dark glimmering laserdisc.#,# # @¨.&¤,,.¨¨
£§.¨¨,#@,¨ .¨ , . . . ,. ¨ ¨,..¨,@@§§
£¨,£¤¨,..§ .. she feeds,on.the particles when. . .@¤£§,,##&
,,¨.,¨&§,¨ ¨¨ they hit her stretched skin. , - .¨@@,¨¨¨§§
,#¤,..¨¨ ,¨ and behind.here is.a shadow, and , ¨.,,.¤¤.,,
,,@@¨¨#§§£ ,in that shadow,is the space station.: ¤#,.,.¤§
¨,.¨.¨,#¤, ¨ . ¨ ¨ ¨ - @£#..¤&¨,¨
@#§§@@,¨,¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ , ##...¨,,§@
&§#,.¤¤. a month later,¨the earth is still,dark. @.¨&@@¤¨¨£
#§¤&...,., there's no contact, , : .¨.¨£@.¨,¨
.#£,,&§@ maybe some shortwave and shit,, ¤#@.¨¨,£&¨
¨..¨,¨#&£¤ - confirming that some ~ £&¨¨@§.¨.¨
#§§#§.¨@&, : society's still there. ¨.,.,¨,@£&
¤¤,,,,¨. , . §@&¤¤§,.&¤
£&£,¨§§&£¨ : the astronauts are unwell - .§#&¤¨...#
¤£,¨.,§#,¨ they degenerate, in weird .,¤#,¨§£,,
,,¨¤£¨,.¨¨ selkie-induced nursing sleep, ,¨..,,,,,¨
#§,¨¨,§§£& to keep their heartbeats slow. &§§§@§#@&&
&¨,§§.¨§§¨ #§@#@@&§@£
,¨¨¨..¨¨¨, §##§@#&&
.£@@£&££§¨ §§£¤&@#&@,
.¨&&&@£¤.. &&¤&££§§,,
¤,¨££¤&,.. §£##@@@¨.£
¨¨¨,§¤¨,@@ &¤¤#..¨,
#£@,,,,.,£ §£#§#¨.£££
§§,¨@#@#.¨ ¤&&£,¨,.
£,..,#&¨,# #£§¨¨§@.¨@
¨¨£¤¨,¨¨¨, @§¨¨,¨...,