,,§,,,,,,, ,§§§§,,,,,
§,,,§§§§§§ ,,§§,,§§§§
,,§,,§§§§§ ,,,,,,,§§§
,,,,,,§§§§ §§§§§§,,§,
§§§§§,,§§§ §§§§§,,,,,
,§§§,,,,§, ### §§§ §§§ £§§ £££ £££ §§£ §§§ §§§ ### ,§§§,,§§§,
,,§,,§§,,, §# §# § £§ £ £ §£ § #§ #§ ,,§,,,,§,,
§,,,,,,,§§ #######£##£#£££££££ £££££££#£##£####### ,,,,§§,,,§
,,§§§§§,,§ # once you get hold of the mother # §§§,,,,§,,
§,,§§§,,,, # plasmid, there's no one to stop you. # ,§,,§§,,,§
,,,,§,,§§, # once it's fully integrated in your # ,,,,,,,§,,
§§§,,,,,,, # system, it'll consider you its host # §§§§§§,,,§
§§,,§§§§§§ # and give you any gene you encounter # §§§§§,,§,,
,,,,,§§§§§ # that it considers beneficial. # §§§§,,,,,,
§§§§,,§§§, #######£##£#££/£££////£££/££#£##£####### ,§§,,§§§§§
§§§,,,,§,, ,,,,,,§§§§
§§,,§§,,,§ cannibalism is great, §§§§§,,§§§
§,,,,,,§,, i am a firm believer. §§§§,,,,§§
,,§§§§,,,, it's a magical process, a superb way ,§§,,§§,,§
,,,§§,,§§§ of acquiring talent and looks. ,,,,,,,,,,
§§,,,,,,§§ ,§§§§§§§§§
§,,§§§§,,§ #######£##£#££/£££////£££/££#£##£####### ,,§§§§§§§§
,,,,§§,,,, # you get a tail, you get wings, you # ,,,§§§§§§§
,§§,,,,§§§ # get horns, you get fur, you get a # §§,,§§§§§,
,,,,§§,,§, # whole new level of power, and you # ,,,,,§§§,,
§§§,,,,,,, # get a whole new level of perception. # §§§§,,§,,§
§§,,§§§§§§ # it's beautiful. # §§§,,,,,,,
,,,,,§§§§§ #######£##£#£££££££ £££££££#£##£####### §§,,§§§§§,
§§§§,,§§§§ §# §# § £§ £ £ §£ § #§ #§ ,,,,,§§§,,
,§§,,,,§§§ ### §§§ §§§ £§§ £££ £££ §§£ §§§ §§§ ### §§§§,,§,,,
,,,,§§,,§, ,§§,,,,,§§
,§§,,,,,,, ,,,,§§§,,,
,,,,§§§§§, ,§§,,§,,§§
,§§,,§§§,, ,,,,,,,,,,
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