,^=/%£¤### ###¤£%/=^,
,,^=/%£¤## ##¤£%/=^,,
,,,^=/%£¤# #¤£%/=^,,,
,,,,^=/%£¤ ¤£%/=^,,,,
,,,,,^=/%£ £%/=^,,,,,
,,,,,,^=/% , , , , , , , , %/=^,,,,,,
,,,,,,,^=/ , ££//££ , , ££//££ , /=^,,,,,,,
,,,,,,^=/% , ££==¤¤==££ , the , ££==¤¤==££ , %/=^,,,,,,
,,,,,^=/%£ /==¤¤##¤¤==/ £ £ /==¤¤##¤¤==/ £%/=^,,,,,
,,,,^=/%£¤ , ££==¤¤==££ ,££ shower ££, ££==¤¤==££ , ¤£%/=^,,,,
,,,^=/%£¤# £, ££//££ ,££ ££, ££//££ ,£ #¤£%/=^,,,
,,^=/%£¤## # , , , , , , , , # ##¤£%/=^,,
,^=/%£¤### £ deep below £ ###¤£%/=^,
,,^=/%£¤## ground level, several elevators down, ##¤£%/=^,,
,,,^=/%£¤# in the dark water where the surface #¤£%/=^,,,
,,,,^=/%£¤ light doesn't reach, and warmth comes ¤£%/=^,,,,
,,,,,^=/%£ mostly from below - here is the shower. £%/=^,,,,,
,,,,,,^=/% %/=^,,,,,,
,,,,,,,^=/ it is dark. you strip, and it's cold. /=^,,,,,,,
,,,,,,^=/% your feet feel the cold stone floor, %/=^,,,,,,
,,,,,^=/%£ your hands find the rubber handles to £%/=^,,,,,
,,,,^=/%£¤ guide you into the cabin. ¤£%/=^,,,,
,,,^=/%£¤# #¤£%/=^,,,
,,^=/%£¤## and then, the hot water, the ##¤£%/=^,,
,^=/%£¤### underground rain. drenching you, ###¤£%/=^,
,,^=/%£¤## lathering you. infused with oils and ##¤£%/=^,,
,,,^=/%£¤# scents. and then, also from above, the #¤£%/=^,,,
,,,,^=/%£¤ shower creatures. first their black ¤£%/=^,,,,
,,,,,^=/%£ velvet arms, touching, and then entire £%/=^,,,,,
,,,,,,^=/% bodies. chests and snouts. %/=^,,,,,,
,,,,,,,^=/ /=^,,,,,,,
,,,,,,^=/% the creatures are meant to comfort you, %/=^,,,,,,
,,,,,^=/%£ keep you entranced, and keep you from £%/=^,,,,,
,,,,^=/%£¤ leaving the cabin prematurely. this ¤£%/=^,,,,
,,,^=/%£¤# whole ordeal works best if you are not #¤£%/=^,,,
,,^=/%£¤## transformed too early, and are instead ##¤£%/=^,,
,^=/%£¤### allowed to enjoy the shower for a while. ###¤£%/=^,
,,^=/%£¤## ##¤£%/=^,,
,,,^=/%£¤# you are steamed, caressed, cleaned, #¤£%/=^,,,
,,,,^=/%£¤ modified, liquified; dissolved and ¤£%/=^,,,,
,,,,,^=/%£ drained... and then brought back, £%/=^,,,,,
,,,,,,^=/% slowly, waking as the water dries off %/=^,,,,,,
,,,,,,,^=/ of you. cabin open to the cold air /=^,,,,,,,
,,,,,,^=/% tickling your fresh-born mind. creature %/=^,,,,,,
,,,,,^=/%£ hands gone, you step out. £%/=^,,,,,
,,,,^=/%£¤ ¤£%/=^,,,,
,,,^=/%£¤# later, elevator back up. new body. #¤£%/=^,,,
,,^=/%£¤## ##¤£%/=^,,
,^=/%£¤### ###¤£%/=^,
,,^=/%£¤## ##¤£%/=^,,
,,,^=/%£¤# #¤£%/=^,,,
,,,,^=/%£¤ ¤£%/=^,,,,