,:«=%&¤£## ##£¤&%=«:,
,:«=%&¤££# #££¤&%=«:,
,,,,,:=%¤¤ ¤¤%=:,,,,,
,:«=%&¤£## ##£¤&%=«:,
,:«=%&¤£## ##£¤&%=«:,
,,,,:«%%%¤ #¤,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,¤ ¤%%%«:,,,,
,,,,,::=%¤ , , ¤%=::,,,,,
,:«=%&¤£## , the dream , ##£¤&%=«:,
,:«=%&£### , of being swallowed , ###£&%=«:,
,:«=%&¤£## , by the beast. , ##£¤&%=«:,
,:«=%&¤£## , , ##£¤&%=«:,
,,,,,«%¤¤# #¤,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,¤ #¤¤%«,,,,,
,:«=%&¤¤££ ££¤¤&%=«:,
,:«=%%&&¤¤ # inside «««««««««««««««« # ¤¤&&%%=«:,
,:«=%&¤£## , an animal , as if , to be safe ##£¤&%=«:,
,,,,::«=&£ £&=«::,,,,
,:«=%&¤£## ,,######,,,###,,,###, ##£¤&%=«:,
,,,:==&&££ «:,#### «:,###«:, ####«, ££&&==:,,,
,,:«««%&£# «:,#### «:,###«:, ####«, #£&%«««:,,
,:«=%&¤£## the dream of resting inside another ##£¤&%=«:,
,:«=%&¤£## animal. thats how it starts, ##£¤&%=«:,
,:«=%%&&&£ «:, with the dream, ,:« £&&&%%=«:,
,,,,,,:«%¤ «:,####«:,###«:,####«, ¤%«:,,,,,,
,:«=%&¤£## but this time i was curious of where it ##£¤&%=«:,
,:«=%&¤£## was going, ##£¤&%=«:,
,,,,::=&¤# #== «««««««««« ==# #¤&=::,,,,
,:«=%&£### == «« «« «« «« «« «« «« «« «« «« == ###£&%=«:,
,:«=%&¤£## ##£¤&%=«:,
,:«=%&¤£## the first gate is the lips ##£¤&%=«:,
,:«=%&&¤£# #£¤&&%=«:,
,:«=%&¤£## , , to get at the throat. , ##£¤&%=«:,
,:«=%&¤£## ##£¤&%=«:,
,:«=%&¤£## to be falling into the water, the ##£¤&%=«:,
,:«=%&¤£## ocean, the void, but it must be done in ##£¤&%=«:,
,,,,,«=&&¤ the right way - in a very specific way. ¤&&=«,,,,,
,:«%&¤£### ###£¤&%«:,
:«=%&¤£### =:::«««««««««««====:::::::=:««««:::::=: ###£¤&%=«:
,:«=%&¤£## :::=======::::=«: ##£¤&%=«:,
,,,,:««%¤¤ :::===«««:=«===«:::=««««=======: ¤¤%««:,,,,
,:«=%&¤£## ::::=:««:==:========== ##£¤&%=«:,
,:«=%&&¤££ ===================== ============= ££¤&&%=«:,
,,,,,«%%&£ it's not a bad feeling, at first. it's £&%%«,,,,,
,,,,,::=&£ slow... graceful... but then it gets £&=::,,,,,
,,,,,,««%¤ too much and you faint. ¤%««,,,,,,
,:«=%&¤¤££ =#::=«::::«:«««««««««««««««======= ££¤¤&%=«:,
,:«=%&¤### ============= (you will feel very close ###¤&%=«:,
,:«««==%¤£ to nature) £¤%==«««:,
,:«=%&¤£## =#::=«::::«:«««««««««««««««======= ##£¤&%=«:,
,:«=%&¤£## ============= (you will feel very close ##£¤&%=«:,
,,,,:==&&¤ to the beast that is everything) ¤&&==:,,,,
,:«=%&¤£## =#::=«::::«:«««««««««««««««======= ##£¤&%=«:,
,,,,««%&&¤ ============= (only through its help) ¤&&%««,,,,
,,,,:««=&£ =#::=«::::«:«««««««««««««««== (very £&=««:,,,,
,:«=%&¤££# hard to get here without the aid of the #££¤&%=«:,
,:«=%%%&&£ beast) === (state where the human is £&&%%%=«:,
,:«=%&¤£## submerged in the animal) === == ##£¤&%=«:,
,:«=%&¤£## (becoming the animal) === (forget ##£¤&%=«:,
,:«=%¤£### everything else) === == (my soul is the ###£¤%=«:,
,,,,,««%¤£ beast's soul) === (a sludgy sense of £¤%««,,,,,
,,,,,:«=%¤ satisfaction. it's good) === (it's ¤%=«:,,,,,
,:«=%&¤£## good) === == (breathing heavily) === ##£¤&%=«:,
,:«=%%%%¤£ === == (the two souls will move £¤%%%%=«:,
,,,,:=%¤£# together) === (merge and dissolve) === #£¤%=:,,,,
,:«=%&¤£## (collective body) === (rearranged and ##£¤&%=«:,
,,,::=&&¤# reordered) === (the individual is not #¤&&=::,,,
,,,,,«%%¤¤ so important) ¤¤%%«,,,,,
,:«=%&¤£## ##£¤&%=«:,
,:«=%&¤£## ##£¤&%=«:,
,:=%&¤£### ###£¤&%=:,
,,,,:«%&¤£ £¤&%«:,,,,
,:«=%%%%%¤ ¤%%%%%=«:,