.,=:%%£@@# #@@£%%:=,.
.,=:%%£@@# #@@£%%:=,.
.,=:%%£@@# #@@£%%:=,.
.....,=:%£ £%:=,.....
......=%%£ £%%=......
.,=:%%£@@# old railway here #@@£%%:=,.
...,,==%%£ ho hum, three workers come going. £%%==,,...
.,=:%%£@## gotta work ##@£%%:=,.
.,=:%%%£@@ no more work today. @@£%%%:=,.
.,=:%£@@## we are going home. ##@@£%:=,.
.,=:%£@@## geiger counters ##@@£%:=,.
....=::%%£ under deconstrucion! £%%::=....
.,=:%%%%%£ pillared rail above, pilfered rail below £%%%%%:=,.
.....,=%%£ £%%=,.....
.,,,,=%%%£ ............................... £%%%=,,,,.
.,=:%%£@@# . there's a hypertrain coming . #@@£%%:=,.
.,=:%%££@@ ............................... @@££%%:=,.
.....=:%%£ in the night, a lot of fire £%%:=.....
...,=::%@@ a clumsy one left their oil here! @@%::=,...
.,==:::%£@ the situation is very bad! @£%:::==,.
.,=:%%£@@# look at the horizon. so calm #@@£%%:=,.
....,=:%£@ @£%:=,....
....,,:%£@ in a few days the sun will rise @£%:,,....
.,=:%%%%@@ @@%%%%:=,.
....,,:%%£ £%%:,,....
.....=%%%£ £%%%=.....
.,=:%%£@## ##@£%%:=,.
,=:%%£@@## ##@@£%%:=,
.,=:%%£@@# #@@£%%:=,.