##¶#£^^»,. .,»^^£#¶##
##¶#£^^»,. .,»^^£#¶##
####£^^»,. .,»^^£####
##¶#£^^»,. .,»^^£#¶##
##¶#£^^»,. .,»^^£#¶##
##¶#£^^»,. Inside On The Floor, Two Glowing .,»^^£#¶##
##¶#£^^»,. Squares Of Sunlight Flooding In Through .,»^^£#¶##
##¶#£^^»,. The Decorative Windows. Slowly Making .,»^^£#¶##
¶£^,...... Their Way Across The Room, Eventually ......,^£¶
##£^^,,,,. Coming Across His Body. Like Two Arms .,,,,^^£##
##¶#£^^»,. Reaching His Stomach, And Then Into His .,»^^£#¶##
#^»,...... Ribcage, Gripping Something There. ......,»^#
##¶#£^^»,. .,»^^£#¶##
###¶£^^»,. Fox Body Pressing Close. Its Eyes .,»^^£¶###
##¶#£^^»,. Opening His, Asleep But Staring Into .,»^^£#¶##
¶££^^»,... Its Pupils, Into The Surface Of The Sun. ...,»^^££¶
##¶#£^^»,. .,»^^£#¶##
##¶#£^^»,. .,»^^£#¶##
#£^^^^^»,. .,»^^^^^£#
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##£££^^»,. .,»^^£££##