rituals for computer operation
,£,£,,,£££ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ,£,£££££,£
££££,,£,,, £££,,,,£££
,,,£,££,,£ the computer is a very common tool in ,,£,,,£,,,
,,£££,£,££ the futures, and in some ways even now. ,££,,££,,,
,£,,££££,, its job is to do vast amounts of small £,£,£,£,,,
££,£,,,£,, calculations in a short amount of time. £££££££,,,
,£££,,££,, ,,,,,,£,,£
£,,£,£,£,£ most work on the principles of posing ,,,,,££,££
£,££££££££ the problem on a hilbert plane, which ,,,,£,££,,
££,,,,,,,£ is then folded out of causality, so ,,,£££,£,£
,£,,,,,,££ that daemons can solve the problem ,,£,,££££,
££,,,,,£,£ without affecting real life. (these ,££,£,,,£,
,£,,,,£££, daemons are under contract with the £,£££,,£££
££,,,£,,££ computer manufacturer.) ££,,£,£,,£
,£,,££,£,£ ,£,££££,£,
££,£,££££, it's commonplace for programmers and £££,,,£££,
,££££,,,££ clerks to pray to the "gods" of their ,,£,,£,,££
£,,,£,,£,£ computer, or to the daemons doing the ,££,££,£,£
£,,££,££££ work, for a quick and fault free £,££,££££,
£,£,££,,,£ operation. ££,££,,,££
££££,£,,££ ,££,£,,£,,
,,,£££,£,, some ubiquitous and generally £,£££,££,£
,,£,,£££,£ non-controversial rituals include: ££,,££,£££
,££,£,,££, ,£,£,££,,£
£,£££,£,£, ~~# light a scented candle #~~ £££££,£,££
££,,£££££, ~~# for quiet and calm #~~ ,,,,££££,,
,£,£,,,,£, ,,,£,,,£,£
££££,,,£££ ~~# recite a mantra or other #~~ ,,££,,££££
,,,£,,£,,, ~~# reassuring message to make #~~ ,£,£,£,,,,
,,££,££,,, ~~# the computer comfortable #~~ ££££££,,,,
,£,££,£,,£ ~~# and at ease #~~ ,,,,,£,,,,
£££,£££,££ ,,,,££,,,,
,,££,,££,, ~~# some like to say a brief #~~ ,,,£,£,,,£
,£,£,£,£,£ ~~# prayer for solace, to be #~~ ,,££££,,££
££££££££££ ~~# left alone during their work #~~ ,£,,,£,£,£
,,,,,,,,,, ££,,£££££,
,,,,,,,,,£ ~~# offer a cup of steaming tea #~~ ,£,£,,,,£,
,,,,,,,,£, ~~# or a meal to the machines #~~ ££££,,,££,
,,,,,,,££, ~~# (sometimes, by fey rules, #~~ ,,,£,,£,£,
,,,,,,£,£, ~~# the daemons are allowed #~~ ,,££,££££,
,,,,,££££, ~~# to respond to this) #~~ ,£,££,,,£,
,,,,£,,,£, £££,£,,££,
,,,££,,££, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ,,£££,£,£,
---~- - ~~- - ~- -~
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would you consider code golf
to be a kind of prayer?
as in, you make a convoluted,
intricate, beautiful, and useless
artifact. as in, you're using your
skills to ask for something,
...i'd ask for a handful of bugs?
code has bugs, lots of it.