.:~:^£&£££ £££&£^:~:.
....:~^^£& &£^^~:....
.:~:^£&£## ##£&£^:~:.
.:~:^£## ###&£^:~:.
.:~:^£&£## ##£&£^:~:.
.....:~:££ Opposer.Dream ££:~:.....
.:~:^££### ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ###££^:~:.
.:~:^£&£## ##£&£^:~:.
.:~:^£&£££ Intrinsically Weaved Within The Space £££&£^:~:.
...:~:^£££ Between What The Brain Constructs And £££^:~:...
.:~:^£&£## The Real, The Space Which We Usually ##£&£^:~:.
.:~:^£&£## Call The Aether, Distortions, ##£&£^:~:.
.....~:^££ Anomalies, Can Appear Under ££^:~.....
....~^^^^& Circumstances, Peculiar Ones, Folded In &^^^^~....
.:~:^£&£## Like Liquid Crystals, Appearing As If ##£&£^:~:.
.:~:^£## You Suddenly Rotate Your Head In Some ###&£^:~:.
.....~~:££ Fourth Dimension (Usually More Or Less ££:~~.....
.::^£&£### Uncomfortable) ###£&£^::.
.:~:^£&&&& &&&&£^:~:.
.:~:^£&£## The Opposer Looks Like A Concave Square ##£&£^:~:.
.....::^^& Balancing On A Corner, With Round &^^::.....
.:~:^£&£## Cutouts Along Its Edges Making It Look ##£&£^:~:.
.:~:^£&£## Like A Pointy Cross, Or Something From ##£&£^:~:.
......~:£& Twewy &£:~......
..:::~::£& &£::~:::..
.:~:^££&&& It'S Hostile, Maybe Not Conscious But &&&££^:~:.
.:~:^£&£## Active, Perceiving, Alive In Some ##£&£^:~:.
.:~:^£&£## Sense. But I Feel As If That Might Be A ##£&£^:~:.
....:~::^& Reduction, That I'M Interpreting The &^::~:....
.....~~:^& Tip Of Something Much Larger And Alien &^:~~.....
.:~:^£&£## To Me. Maybe Not Alive, Then, But ##£&£^:~:.
.::~:::^££ Something Worse. ££^:::~::.
......~^ #&^~......
.:~:^£&£## ##£&£^:~:.
.:~:^^^& : #&&^^^:~:.
.:~:^&£### : ###£&^:~:.
....:::^^& .. ^^ .. &^^:::....
......~^ ~~~~~~... ^^^ ..~~~. #&^~......
....::££&£ ~~~.. ~£££ .....~~ £&££::....
...:::::^& ~~ &&&&~ ~. &^:::::...
.:~:^£&£## .~ :&&&&&& . ##£&£^:~:.
.:~:^£&£££ £££: : £££&£^:~:.
.:~:^£&£## :: # ##£&£^:~:.
.:~:^£&£## ~~~&&&::::^###^ :&:~~~~~: ##£&£^:~:.
.:~:^£&£## :::~£££&&:: ^####:::::&&£££^^^:::: ##£&£^:~:.
....::::££ ~ :#: &£~~~: ££::::....
.:~:^£&£## :£: : ##£&£^:~:.
..::::^£&& .~ :&&&&&: &&£^::::..
.:~:^£## ~~ ~&&&&£ ~. ###&£^:~:.
.::~~^^^£& .~~. £££ ~~. &£^^^~~::.
.:~:^£&£## ~~~~.... ^^~ ..~~~~~~ ##£&£^:~:.
.:~:^£&& :: ..... #&&&£^:~:.
.:~:^£&£## : ##£&£^:~:.
.:~:^£&£## : ##£&£^:~:.
...:~:££&£ £&££:~:...
.:~:^£&£## Various Forms Like These ##£&£^:~:.
.:~~~::£££ £££::~~~:.
.::::::^ ^#^ #&^::::::.
.:~:^£&&&£ .#&: £&&&£^:~:.
.:~:^£&£## :££: ##£&£^:~:.
.:~:^£## :: ###&£^:~:.
.:~:^£&£## :. ##£&£^:~:.
...~:::£££ .: £££:::~...
......::££ :: ££::......
.:~~~^£££& :££: &£££^~~~:.
.:~:^£&£## . .:#&:. . ##£&£^:~:.
.....:~^££ ^#£^~:.. :..:~^£######£^~:.. :..:~^£#^ ££^~:.....
.:~:^£&&&& ^##£^~:..: ..:~^£######£^~:..: ..:~^£##^ &&&&£^:~:.
......:~^& ~. .:#&:. .~ &^~:......
.:~:^£&£££ :££: £££&£^:~:.
.:~:^£&£## :: ##£&£^:~:.
.:~:^£&£## :. ##£&£^:~:.
...:::~~^& .: &^~~:::...
.:~:^£&£## :: ##£&£^:~:.
.:~:^££### :££: ###££^:~:.
...~~~^^£& :#&. &£^^~~~...
.:~:^£&£## ^#^ ##£&£^:~:.
.:~:^£&£## ##£&£^:~:.
.:~:^£&£## It Morphs ##£&£^:~:.
.....~^££& &££^~.....
.:~:^£&£## # ##£&£^:~:.
...:~:::^& # &^:::~:...
.:~:^£&£## ##: ##£&£^:~:.
.:~:^£££ :£££: #&£££^:~:.
.:~:^£&£## ~&£~££~~&~ ##£&£^:~:.
.:~:^£££££ ~~ ^^ ~~~ £££££^:~:.
.....~^^££ ::: ££^^~.....
.:~:^££### ~~~ ###££^:~:.
....:~:^&£ :~ .:::::. £~~ £&^:~:....
.:~:^£&£## ^::£:~ ~:::~::.....::~~:: ~&&:: ##£&£^:~:.
.:~:^£&£## ^^##££&££~:::~::.. ..::~:::^££&&££####^^ ##£&£^:~:.
.:~:^£&£## ::£: .:::::. ~~&£::^^ ##£&£^:~:.
.:~:^£&£## : .~~~~ £~ ##£&£^:~:.
.:~:^£££££ :: £££££^:~:.
.:~:^£&£## ££~ ^ ~££~ ##£&£^:~:.
.:~:^£&& ~££~£~£££~ #&&&£^:~:.
.:~:^£&£## :&&&&: ##£&£^:~:.
.:~:^£&£## :£££ ##£&£^:~:.
.:~:^£&£## ## ##£&£^:~:.
.:~:^£## # ###&£^:~:.
.:~:^£&£## ##£&£^:~:.
.::^£&£### It Appears In It'S Truest False Form ###£&£^::.
.:~:^£&£## Inscribed All Over Your Vision, In The ##£&£^:~:.
.:~:^£&£## Case Of Nightmares, Evil Meditation, Or ##£&£^:~:.
.:~:^£&£## Drug-Induced Transcendental States. ##£&£^:~:.
.:~:^£££&£ Living Behind The Curtain, So To Speak, £&£££^:~:.
.:~:^£&££# In The Liquid Between You And The World #££&£^:~:.
..:~~::^&£ You'Re In. £&^::~~:..
....~^^& #&&^^~....
...:::^&&£ But Even In Calmer Times, It'S Never £&&^:::...
.....::^£& Too Far Away, And You Can Find Yourself &£^::.....
...::::^ Transfixed By Floor Tiles, Jewelry #&^::::...
.:~:^£&£## (Totems? Charms?), Trees, And Other ##£&£^:~:.
..:~~~:^ Such Things... #&^:~~~:..
....:~:^&& &&^:~:....
.:~:^£&& #&&&£^:~:.
.:~:^^££££ ££££^^:~:.
.:~:^^^^^& &^^^^^:~:.
.:~:^£&&£# #£&&£^:~:.