,-^%£##@## ##@##£%^-,
,,-^%£##@# #@##£%^-,,
,,,-^%£##@ @##£%^-,,,
,,,,-^%£## ##£%^-,,,,
,,,,,-^%£# #£%^-,,,,,
,,,,,,-^%£ two forces £%^-,,,,,,
,,,,,,,-^% ~~~----------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ %^-,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,-^ ^-,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,-^% %^-,,,,,,,
,,,,,,-^%£ so there are two forces of nature to £%^-,,,,,,
,,,,,-^%£# speak of: one is some kind of disgust, #£%^-,,,,,
,,,,-^%£## if i think allright, there's cats ##£%^-,,,,
,,,-^%£##@ outside who wants to come inside, @##£%^-,,,
,,-^%£##@# that's cool, but what if they were rats? #@##£%^-,,
,-^%£##@## ##@##£%^-,
,,-^%£##@# and suddenly it's gross, and the rats #@##£%^-,,
,,,-^%£##@ are unavoidable, and everything is @##£%^-,,,
,,,,-^%£## dirty and oily and intrusive, it's ##£%^-,,,,
,,,,,-^%£# dark, gloomy and filthy and purposeless, #£%^-,,,,,
,,,,,,-^%£ £%^-,,,,,,
,,,,,,,-^% and in a way everything is just big %^-,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,-^ joke, there's no end in sight, it just ^-,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,-^% goes on forever and we've always been %^-,,,,,,,
,,,,,,-^%£ here and the grime is everywhere. £%^-,,,,,,
,,,,,-^%£# #£%^-,,,,,
,,,,-^%£## ##£%^-,,,,
,,,-^%£##@ the other force is this belonging, @##£%^-,,,
,,-^%£##@# connecting, finding a fox in the #@##£%^-,,
,-^%£##@## supposedly closed down mystery zones, ##@##£%^-,
,,-^%£##@# #@##£%^-,,
,,,-^%£##@ and the feeling is that everything is @##£%^-,,,
,,,,-^%£## not a joke but a plot, a conspiracy in ##£%^-,,,,
,,,,,-^%£# your favour, and we're gonna live #£%^-,,,,,
,,,,,,-^%£ forever, we've always been here, £%^-,,,,,,
,,,,,,,-^% everything fits together, nothing's a %^-,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,-^ problem, everything's ok and forgiven ^-,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,-^% and exactly as it's supposed to be. %^-,,,,,,,
,,,,,,-^%£ £%^-,,,,,,
,,,,,-^%£# #£%^-,,,,,
,,,,-^%£## ##£%^-,,,,
,,,-^%£##@ @##£%^-,,,
,,-^%£##@# #@##£%^-,,
,-^%£##@## ##@##£%^-,