,:«««:*%£# #£%*:«««:,
,:«:*%§§§§ §§§§%*:«:,
,,,,,,««*§ §*««,,,,,,
,,,,,,:«*§ §*«:,,,,,,
,:«:*%§§§# #§§§%*:«:,
,:«:*%£### the honey is a condensation of a thick ###£%*:«:,
,:«:*%§£## liquid, inherent to all mazes. ##£§%*:«:,
,,,,::::%£ £%::::,,,,
,,,,,,«:%§ ######################################## §%:«,,,,,,
,,,,,,::%£ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, £%::,,,,,,
,,,,,,«*§§ §§*«,,,,,,
,,,,,,««*§ mainly collected by the lizardfolk of §*««,,,,,,
,:«:*%§£## the kirugu vargir desert, in the ##£§%*:«:,
,:«:*%§£## underlying tunnels. it's use and ##£§%*:«:,
,:«:*%§£## possession is illegal within the city. ##£§%*:«:,
,:«:*%§£## ##£§%*:«:,
,:««:::%§# #§%:::««:,
,:«:*%£### :::::::::::::: ###£%*:«:,
,:«:*%§£## : properties : ##£§%*:«:,
,,,,::*%£# :::::::::::::: #£%*::,,,,
,:«:*%§££# #££§%*:«:,
,:«:*%§£## the honey is a reddish amber, very ##£§%*:«:,
,,,,,«:%§# viscous (but still pourable). it smells #§%:«,,,,,
,:«:*%§£## slightly of eucalyptus, and has a ##£§%*:«:,
,,,,,::*§£ mostly bitter taste. £§*::,,,,,
,:«:*%§£## ##£§%*:«:,
,,,,,:««*§ it's highly addictive, and possess §*««:,,,,,
,,,:«::*§# strong psychotropic effects. #§*::«:,,,
,,,,««:**§ §**:««,,,,
,,,::*%§§£ £§§%*::,,,
,,,,,,::%§ :::::::::::::: §%::,,,,,,
,::««:*%%£ : collection : £%%*:««::,
,:«:::*%§£ :::::::::::::: £§%*:::«:,
,:«:*%§££# #££§%*:«:,
,:«:*§£### the honey materializes in vaccuums ###£§*:«:,
,:«:*%§£## within any labyrinthine space. the more ##£§%*:«:,
,:«:***%§# folded and ambiguous, the faster it #§%***:«:,
,,,,««««*§ emerges. the cavernous systems under §*««««,,,,
,:«:*%§£## the desert of kirugu serves this ##£§%*:«:,
,:«:*%§£## purpose very well - the lizards use ##£§%*:«:,
,,,:«:%§££ pumps to empty small boxes or jars of ££§%:«:,,,
,:«:*%§£## air, which then are left overnight and ##£§%*:«:,
,:«:*§£### harvested the next day. ###£§*:«:,
,,:::::%£# #£%:::::,,
,,,,::«:%§ most spaces are somewhat mazelike, and §%:«::,,,,
,:«:*%£### it's not uncommon for lizards in kirugu ###£%*:«:,
,,,::::%££ veszelle city to keep a few jars (often ££%::::,,,
,:«:*%§£## hanged from the ceiling in metal crowns ##£§%*:«:,
,:«:*%§£## made for this purpose). however, these ##£§%*:«:,
,:«:*%§### may take weeks to fill. ###§%*:«:,
,:«:*%§£## ##£§%*:«:,
,,,,,:«*§£ £§*«:,,,,,
,:«:**%§££ ::::::::::::: ££§%**:«:,
,:«:*%§£## : as a drug : ##£§%*:«:,
,::«««*%§§ ::::::::::::: §§%*«««::,
,:«:*%§£## ##£§%*:«:,
,:«:*%§£## , one spoon , ##£§%*:«:,
,:«:*%§£## ,,,,, ##£§%*:«:,
,,,:::*%%£ the drug is used by the lizards in £%%*:::,,,
,:«:*§£### these small (but often continuous) ###£§*:«:,
,:«:*%§### doses. this heightens the senses ###§%*:«:,
,:«:*%§§£# somewhat but at the cost of a lessened #£§§%*:«:,
,,,::::%§§ ability to multi-task - context §§%::::,,,
,:«:*%§£## switching might take longer and be more ##£§%*:«:,
,,,,,,,«*§ confusing. §*«,,,,,,,
,:«:*%§£## ##£§%*:«:,
,,,::::%§# #§%::::,,,
,:«:*%§££# , four spoons , #££§%*:«:,
,:«:*%§£## ,,,,, ##£§%*:«:,
,:«:***§§£ multitasking becomes very hard (the £§§***:«:,
,:«:%§£### thought does not occur). senses more ###£§%:«:,
,,,,::::*§ acute but "unimportant" (ignored). §*::::,,,,
,:«:*%§£## inner perceptions take the upper hand, ##£§%*:«:,
,:«:*%§£££ abstraction and memory faculties are £££§%*:«:,
,:«:*%§### sharpened severely. slight telepathy ###§%*:«:,
,:«:*%%%%£ (mostly moods) with other honey eaters. £%%%%*:«:,
,:«:*%§£## sense of thirst dissappears. still easy ##£§%*:«:,
,:«:*%§§§§ to move around the body (if so §§§§%*:«:,
,:«:*%§£## inclined). ##£§%*:«:,
,,,,,,«*§£ £§*«,,,,,,
,:«:****§# #§****:«:,
,:«:**%%££ , seven spoons , ££%%**:«:,
,,,,«***§# ,,,,, #§***«,,,,
,:«:*§£### the honey eater becomes unresponsive to ###£§*:«:,
,,,,,«**§£ normal stimuli, but able to override £§**«,,,,,
,:«:*%§£## their own senses with dreamlike ##£§%*:«:,
,:«:*%§£## imagery. sharing of thoughts with other ##£§%*:«:,
,:«:%§£### eaters, mood reading of those who stay ###£§%:«:,
,:«:*%§£## sober (worth noting that the thoughts ##£§%*:«:,
,,,,:««*§§ are very fragmented and hard to §§*««:,,,,
,:«:*%§£## decipher, unless you are at a similar ##£§%*:«:,
,,,,«**§££ level of spoons). at this point the ££§**«,,,,
,:«:::%%%§ body is hard to move, and starts losing §%%%:::«:,
,:«:*%§£## water. ##£§%*:«:,
,:«:*%§£## ##£§%*:«:,
,,,,,,«*§§ §§*«,,,,,,
,:«:*%§£## , nine spoons and above , ##£§%*:«:,
,:«:*%§§§# ,,,,, #§§§%*:«:,
,:«:*%§£## overdose. body losing water quickly, ##£§%*:«:,
,:«:*%%§§§ and is completely unable to move. there §§§%%*:«:,
,,,,,::*%§ is intermittent thought sharing with §%*::,,,,,
,:«:*%§£££ sober persons (although £££§%*:«:,
,,:««**%££ unintelligible). memeories are sharded ££%**««:,,
,,,,,,«:*§ or not formed. §*:«,,,,,,
,,,,::%§£# #£§%::,,,,
,:«:*%§£## ##£§%*:«:,
,,,««**%§£ ::::::::::: £§%**««,,,
,,,,,«***§ : dangers : §***«,,,,,
,:«:*%§£## ::::::::::: ##£§%*:«:,
,:«:*%§£## ##£§%*:«:,
,:«:*%§£££ most deaths are due to loss of water - £££§%*:«:,
,,,,,::*§£ thirst is one of the last senses to £§*::,,,,,
,:«:*%§£## restable after coming down, often gone ##£§%*:«:,
,,,«::%§££ for up to twenty four hours. at higher ££§%::«,,,
,:«:*%§£## doses it's hard to move, even if you ##£§%*:«:,
,,,,:::%£# would remember drinking (which is also #£%:::,,,,
,:«:*%§### made harder by the attention focusing ###§%*:«:,
,,,«:::*§§ properties of the honey). §§*:::«,,,
,,,:«:%%§# #§%%:«:,,,
,:«:*%§£## people are known to suffer injuries ##£§%*:«:,
,,,,,,::%£ from being still in unfavourable £%::,,,,,,
,:«:*%§£## climates for too long, sometimes to the ##£§%*:«:,
,:«:*%§£## point of death. another danger is ##£§%*:«:,
,,:««***%£ actually locomotion of the body... £%***««:,,
,:«««**%£# walking around is still somewhat #£%**«««:,
,:«:**%%§£ possible after losing sight, which have £§%%**:«:,
,«:*%§£### lead to seveal falls. additionally, ###£§%*:«,
,:«:*%§£## robberies of the intoxicated are common. ##£§%*:«:,
,:«:*%§£## ##£§%*:«:,
,:«:*%§££# lastly, albeit very rare, it's possible #££§%*:«:,
,,,,,:«*§§ to die of pure overdose (on the scale §§*«:,,,,,
,,,:««:%§# of jars of honey) before being killed #§%:««:,,,
,«:*%§£### by thirst. there are rumors that this ###£§%*:«,
,,,,::«*%£ leaves "ghosts", who will still share £%*«::,,,,
,:«:*%§£## their thoughts long after their bodies ##£§%*:«:,
,,,,:«:%§§ are dead and gone. §§%:«:,,,,
,:«:*%§££# #££§%*:«:,
,:«:*%%%§§ §§%%%*:«:,
,,,::«**§£ £§**«::,,,
,:«:*%§£## ##£§%*:«:,
,,,,««*%££ ££%*««,,,,
,:«:*%§£## ##£§%*:«:,