@@@@,,,@,, @,,,@@@@@,
,,,@,,@@,, @,,@,,,,@@
,,@@,@,@,@ @,@@,,,@,@
,@,@@@@@@@ @@,@,,@@@@
@@@,,,,,,@ ,@@@,@,,,@
,,@,,,,,@, «« @@@@@,@,,@
,@@,,,,@@, =,#=,#=,# «,,« ,=#,=#,=# ,,,,@@@,@@
@,@,,,@,@@ ,# =# ,,,@,,@@,@
@@@,,@@@,, #= At First They Think They Hear A ,= ,,@@,@,@@,
,,@,@,,@,@ =, Bird, An Elusive Call They Can'T #, ,@,@@@@,@@
,@@@@,@@@@ ,# Place, And They Will Linger. Lured =# @@@,,,@@,@
@,,,@@,,,, #= By The Trills (We Create Synthetic ,= ,,@,,@,@@@
@,,@,@,,,@ =, Trills To Saturate And Confuse The #, ,@@,@@@,,,
@,@@@@,,@@ ,# Senses) They Edge Nearer. Until =# @,@@,,@,,@
@@,,,@,@,, #= They Are Suddenly Too Close. Then ,= @@,@,@@,@,
,@,,@@@@,@ =, Our Full Call In All It'S Majesty, #, ,@@@@,@@@@
@@,@,,,@@@ ,# Piercing Them And Enflaming A Fake =# @,,,@@,,,@
,@@@,,@,,@ #= Love To Drench All Others! ,= @,,@,@,,@,
@,,@,@@,@, ,# =# @,@@@@,@@,
@,@@@,@@@@ #=,#=,#=, =#,=#,=#, @@,,,@@,@@
@@,,@@,,,@ «,,« ,@,,@,@@,,
,@,@,@,,@, =,#=,#=,# ,=#,=#,=# @@,@@@,@,@
@@@@@@,@@@ ,# =# ,@@,,@@@@@
,,,,,@@,,@ #= And Then, We Quickly Pull Away ,= @,@,@,,,,,
,,,,@,@,@@ =, That New Love, And They Shall Be #, @@@@@,,,,,
,,,@@@@@,@ ,# Like Moths, Searching For Any =# ,,,,@,,,,,
,,@,,,,@@@ #= Glimmer, Anything To Nurture This ,= ,,,@@,,,,,
,@@,,,@,,@ =, New And Fiery Need We Instilled #, ,,@,@,,,,,
@,@,,@@,@, ,# In Their Hearts. =# ,@@@@,,,,,
@@@,@,@@@@ #= ,= @,,,@,,,,@
,,@@@@,,,@ =,#=,#=,# «,,« ,=#,=#,=# @,,@@,,,@,
,@,,,@,,@, «« @,@,@,,@@,
@@,,@@,@@, @@@@@,@,@,
,@,@,@@,@@ ,,,,@@@@@@
@@@@@,@@,, ,,,@,,,,,@
,,,,@@,@,, ,,@@,,,,@,
,,,@,@@@,, ,@,@,,,@@,
,,@@@,,@,@ @@@@,,@,@,