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~,.,,.¨,¨. View From The Tower .¨,¨.,,.,~
.,..,.,..¨ ###@##@#@###@#@#@@# ¨..,.,..,.
¨¨.,¨,,¨,¨ »-=«»~»«~==«-~~»~«« ¨,¨,,¨,.¨¨
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-,..,¨¨¨.¨ \When I Got Home From Away, Climbed All ¨.¨¨¨,..,-
=-,,.,,.¨, The Way To The Top, And There Was A ,¨.,,.,,-=
*/«:..,¨¨, Bird In My Room, Not Too Unreasonable A ,¨¨,..:«/*
¤†=-^,¨.., Bird But Still An Unwelcome Guest At ,..¨,^-=†¤
§£†=~,¨.., This Hour, That Had Let Himself In. ,..¨,~=†£§
@¤§%/«~..¨ ¨..~«/%§¤@
@@££=:«~., The Window Was Open And So I Waved My ,.~«:=££@@
##£&$=:~^, Arms And He Flew Out. But As Soon As I ,^~:=$&£##
####&&$*«- Turned Around, H,E Was Back. -«*$&###
##@§&^*=,. .,=*^&§@##
@@&@§*~.¨, #:-,# ,¨.~*§@&@@
##¤†\«,.¨, I Took The Jackdaw By My Hand ,¨.,«\†¤##
#*%†~,..¨, Threw It Out The Window, And ,¨..,~†%*#
%^=-.¨¨.¨¨ Into What I'M Shielded From ¨¨.¨¨.-=^%
*:~~¨.,,¨, Watched Him Fall And Turned Around ,¨,,.¨~~:*
†~.,..¨¨¨¨ Held His Gaze Throughout The Fall ¨¨¨¨..,.~†
~^..,..,,, In Spite He Did Not Move At All ,,,..,..^~
~,,¨.¨,,,¨ #,,,# ¨,,,¨.¨,,~
,.¨..¨,.,¨ ¨,.,¨..¨.,
~¨¨¨.¨.,¨, I Heard The Thump As He Hit The Ground. ,¨,.¨.¨¨¨~
~..,...¨.. My Mother Came Running. "Angel! What ..¨...,..~
=»:,,,¨¨¨. Did You Do?" .¨¨¨,,,:»=
$;~~¨¨¨,¨, ,¨,¨¨¨~~;$
@$†-~¨,¨,. Don'T Come In Here, I Wanted To Say, .,¨,¨~-†$@
¤%*/~:,,,, But She Would Come Anyway And So I Kept ,,,,:~/*%¤
#&&^†~^.¨. It To Myself. "Are You Allright?" .¨.^~†^&
#£&£§;»~.¨ ¨.~»;§£&£#
#@#§*$;-~, "I Hurt A Bird", And I Could See Him ,~-;$*§#@#
###@¤%*^~~ Through The Windows, Trying To Fly With ~~^*%¤@###
#@#§*^†«^¨ His Wings Somehow Inverted. They Would ¨^«†^*§#@#
#¶@*=†-~., Not Bear Him, And He Was Infuriated. ,.~-†=*@¶#
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