orange-clad train-climber crew, moving  
 along  the  rusty cargo  cars  like some 
 species  of  ferrophage insect.  up  and 
 down the  train, checking  bolts, oiling 
     joints, drinking coffee, smoking     
 we were going  south through finland  at 
 the   time,   sleeping   close  to   the 
  furnace, watching the aurora borealis.  
   twenty-something members of the crew,  
 most  of   which   were   mechanics,  or 
 loaders,  with  large  and  hairy  hands 
 that  could  swallow my entire body. and 
 me  featuring  as  the cute and  asocial 
 radio  operator, stationed  in  the back 
    of the kilometer-long train, which    
         served me good and well.         
 and  then one  night, there's a missile. 
 we would  routinely pick up new  cars at 
 the  tail,  and  drop some off, as a way 
 of  earning  some  extra  money.  but  a 
 missile,  and appearing silently in  the 
 middle  of   the   night  at  that?  not 
         entirely... comfortable.         
 i  call it in on the  walkie-talkie. not 
 many  others  awake, they  know  nothing 
 about  it, and appear concerned as well. 
 when  i fall  awake  in  the  afternoon, 
 karl  is  there,  smiling  at  me.  "hey 
 boy,"  he says, "wanna  help  me make  a 
 after he's  brought  me coffee,  i  dial 
 the  frequency  from  his  notebook, and 
 after   a  while  there's  a   reply  in 
 pan-slavic.  karl  laughs  and  makes  a 
 reply  in the same language. even though 
 we both  have headphones i can't  follow 
 at all, but i  hear the word "missile" a 
                few times.                
 i'm  almost snoozing  again at the  time 
 karl puts down the headphones  and slaps 
 me  on my  back.  "allright boy.  i just 
 sold a  missile."  he practically  beams 
 at me,  teeth filed sharp. "wanna make a 