&&£/::,,,, ,,,,::/£&&
£&======:, ,:======&£
££&££=/=:, ,:=/=££&££
##£&£=/=:, ,:=/=£&£##
##£&£=/=:, ,:=/=£&£##
&=/====,,, #&,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,& ,,,====/=&
##£&£=/=:, , , ,:=/=£&£##
#£&=/=,,,, , the dream , ,,,,=/=&£#
#&==:::,,, , of being swallowed , ,,,:::==
£££££=/=:, , by the beast. , ,:=/=£££££
£&==/==,,, , , ,,,==/==&£
##£&£=/=:, #&,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,& ,:=/=£&£##
£££&£=/=:, ,:=/=£&£££
###££=/=:, # inside ================ # ,:=/=££###
££/=:,,,,, , an animal , as if , to be safe ,,,,,:=/££
£&££==,,,, ,,,,==££&£
##£&£=/=:, ,,######,,,###,,,###, ,:=/=£&£##
###&£=/=:, =:,#### =:,###=:, ####=, ,:=/=£##
##£&£=/=:, =:,#### =:,###=:, ####=, ,:=/=£&£##
&=///:,,,, the dream of resting inside another ,,,,:///=&
&&&&£=/=:, animal. thats how it starts, ,:=/=£&&&&
&&=/::,,,, =:, with the dream, ,:= ,,,,::/=&&
&==/:,,,,, =:,####=:,###=:,####=, ,,,,,:/==&
&=/:::,,,, but this time i was curious of where it ,,,,:::/=&
#&&£/=,,,, was going, ,,,,=/£&
##£&£=/=:, #// ========== //# ,:=/=£&£##
££&=/=:::, // == == == == == == == == == == // ,:::=/=&££
###££=/=:, ,:=/=££###
##£&£=/=:, the first gate is the lips ,:=/=£&£##
##£&£=/=:, ,:=/=£&£##
##£&£=/=:, , , to get at the throat. , ,:=/=£&£##
£&&&£=/=:, ,:=/=£&&&£
&&&===/=:, to be falling into the water, the ,:=/===&&&
&&==//:,,, ocean, the void, but it must be done in ,,,://==&&
£&£/:,,,,, the right way - in a very specific way. ,,,,,:/£&£
#££&£=/=:, ,:=/=£&££#
#&££/=:::, /:::===========////:::::::/:====:::::/: ,:::=/££
##£&£=/=:, :::///////::::/=: ,:=/=£&£##
#&££//=,,, :::///===:/=///=:::/====///////: ,,,=//££
£££&£=/=:, ::::/:==://:////////// ,:=/=£&£££
£&===::,,, ///////////////////// ///////////// ,,,::===&£
###£&=/=:, it's not a bad feeling, at first. it's ,:=/=&£###
###&£=/=:, slow... graceful... but then it gets ,:=/=£##
£&£=/=,,,, too much and you faint. ,,,,=/=£&£
##£&£=/=:, /#::/=::::=:===============/////// ,:=/=£&£##
###&£=/=:, ///////////// (you will feel very close ,:=/=£##
£&&£///=:, to nature) ,:=///£&&£
&&=///:::, /#::/=::::=:===============/////// ,:::///=&&
&=/:,,,,,, ///////////// (you will feel very close ,,,,,,:/=&
##£&£=/=:, to the beast that is everything) ,:=/=£&£##
&&&&£=/=:, /#::/=::::=:===============/////// ,:=/=£&&&&
##£&£=/=:, ///////////// (only through its help) ,:=/=£&£##
#&=/=:,,,, /#::/=::::=:===============// (very ,,,,:=/=
##£&£=/=:, hard to get here without the aid of the ,:=/=£&£##
##£&£=/=:, beast) /// (state where the human is ,:=/=£&£##
£££&£=/=:, submerged in the animal) /// // ,:=/=£&£££
##£&£=/=:, (becoming the animal) /// (forget ,:=/=£&£##
&£££==/=:, everything else) /// // (my soul is the ,:=/==£££&
##£&£=/=:, beast's soul) /// (a sludgy sense of ,:=/=£&£##
##£&£=/=:, satisfaction. it's good) /// (it's ,:=/=£&£##
#&££//:,,, good) /// // (breathing heavily) /// ,,,://££
##£&£=/=:, /// // (the two souls will move ,:=/=£&£##
£&&&£=/=:, together) /// (merge and dissolve) /// ,:=/=£&&&£
£££&£=/=:, (collective body) /// (rearranged and ,:=/=£&£££
&£==,,,,,, reordered) /// (the individual is not ,,,,,,==£&
##£&£=/=:, so important) ,:=/=£&£##
&£/::,,,,, ,,,,,::/£&
££===:,,,, ,,,,:===££
&=/////=:, ,:=/////=&
##£&£=/=:, ,:=/=£&£##
£&&£==,,,, ,,,,==£&&£