§,,§§,,,,§ ,§,§,§§,,§
§,§,§,,,§, §§§§§,§,§,
§§§§§,,§§§ ,,,,§§§§§§
,,,,§,§,,, ,,,§,,,,,,
,,,§§§§,,§ ,,§§,,,,,,
,,§,,,§,§§ old railway here ,§,§,,,,,,
,§§,,§§§,§ ho hum, three workers come going. §§§§,,,,,,
§,§,§,,§§§ gotta work ,,,§,,,,,,
§§§§§,§,,, no more work today. ,,§§,,,,,§
,,,,§§§,,§ we are going home. ,§,§,,,,§,
,,,§,,§,§, geiger counters §§§§,,,§§,
,,§§,§§§§§ under deconstrucion! ,,,§,,§,§,
,§,§§,,,,, pillared rail above, pilfered rail below ,,§§,§§§§,
§§§,§,,,,, ,§,§§,,,§,
,,§§§,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, §§§,§,,§§§
,§,,§,,,,, , there's a hypertrain coming , ,,§§§,§,,§
§§,§§,,,,§ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,§,,§§§,§§
,§§,§,,,§, in the night, a lot of fire §§,§,,§§,,
§,§§§,,§§, a clumsy one left their oil here! ,§§§,§,§,,
§§,,§,§,§§ the situation is very bad! §,,§§§§§,§
,§,§§§§§,§ look at the horizon. so calm §,§,,,,§§,
§§§,,,,§§, §§§,,,§,§,
,,§,,,§,§§ in a few days the sun will rise ,,§,,§§§§§
,§§,,§§§,§ ,§§,§,,,,§
§,§,§,,§§§ §,§§§,,,§§
§§§§§,§,,§ §§,,§,,§,,
,,,,§§§,§, ,§,§§,§§,§
,,,§,,§§§, §§§,§§,§§§
,,§§,§,,§§ ,,§§,§§,,§