illegal biking             
 i'd say  i  am  an  average  biker,  and 
 above average for  a drunk  person. what 
 makes  me  stand   out   though  is   my 
  obscure biking style: "illegal biking". 
   it applies the two rules for travel,   
 and expands  on them  with a few points. 
 the most  important  thing is  the flow. 
 you must try  to always keep your speed, 
 even  if  it  means  going  a  different 
          way than you intended.          
 it   is   advantageous  to  ignore  most 
    traffic rules. stay predictable and   
 explicit,   and  do   what   you   want. 
 it's  more  fun  if  you're  drunk,  but 
 avoid big roads, and  walk at crossings.