@@@@¨¨¨@@¨ @@@@¨@@¨¨@
¨¨¨¨@¨¨@¨@ @¨¨¨@@¨@¨@
@¨¨¨@@¨@@@ @@¨¨@¨@@@@
¨@¨¨@¨@@¨¨ @¨@¨@@@¨¨¨
¨@@¨@@@¨@¨ ¨@@@@¨¨@¨¨
¨@¨@@¨¨@@@ ¨ ¨ ¨@¨¨¨@¨@@¨
¨@@@¨@¨@¨¨ ¨#¨ Alvar West coast ¨#¨ @@@¨¨@@@¨@
@@¨¨@@@@@¨ ¨ ¨ @¨¨@¨@¨¨@@
¨¨@¨@¨¨¨¨@ @@¨@@@@¨@¨
¨¨@@@@¨¨¨@ Going South By The Rocky Shore. The @¨@@¨¨¨@@@
@¨@¨¨¨@¨¨@ Montaneous Shore, The Cliffs And @@@¨@¨¨@¨¨
@@@@¨¨@@¨@ RavineS, And The OceanS Raving. @¨¨@@@¨@@¨
@¨¨¨@¨@¨@@ @@¨@¨¨@@¨@
¨@¨¨@@@@@¨ Watch Your Step Or, Or Your Wheels, If ¨¨@@@¨@¨@@
@@@¨@¨¨¨¨@ Youre Such A Being, For To The West ¨¨@¨¨@@@@¨
@¨¨@@@¨¨¨@ Lies The Sea. And To The East Are ¨¨@@¨@¨¨¨@
¨@¨@¨¨@¨¨@ Thorny Bushes, Large As Trees But Also @¨@¨@@@¨¨@
@@@@@¨@@¨@ Miniscule, Camouflaged In The Grass. ¨@@@@¨¨@¨@
¨¨¨¨¨@@¨@@ ¨@¨¨¨@¨@@@
@¨¨¨¨@¨@@¨ Old Territories Poke Through And ¨@@¨¨@@@¨¨
@@¨¨¨@@@¨@ Resurface. Never Mind Them, But Maybe @@¨@¨@¨¨@¨
@¨@¨¨@¨¨@@ The Beauty In Their Walls Tell Us @¨@@@@@¨@@
¨@@@¨@@¨@¨ Something. I Admire The Way They Strech @@@¨¨¨¨@@¨
¨@¨¨@@¨@@@ Over The Land To The Eastern Shores, @¨¨@¨¨¨@¨@
@@@¨@¨@@¨¨ But Never North, Never South. @@¨@@¨¨@@@
¨¨¨@@@@¨@¨ @¨@@¨@¨@¨¨
¨¨¨@¨¨¨@@@ The Road Is Old And Broken, And Would ¨@@¨@@@@@¨
¨¨¨@@¨¨@¨¨ Stress Your Joints, Even If You Were To @@¨@@¨¨¨¨@
@¨¨@¨@¨@@¨ Never Leave It (Which You Should). ¨¨@@¨@¨¨¨@
¨@¨@@@@@¨@ @¨@¨@@@¨¨@
@@@@¨¨¨¨@@ @@@@@¨¨@¨@
¨¨¨¨@¨¨¨@¨ ¨¨¨¨¨@¨@@@
@¨¨¨@@¨¨@@ ¨¨¨¨¨@@@¨¨
@@¨¨@¨@¨@¨ ¨¨¨¨¨@¨¨@¨
@¨@¨@@@@@@ ¨¨¨¨¨@@¨@@