,,,,,,,=§¤ ¤§=,,,,,,,
,,:====§§¤ ¤§§====:,,
,:=/§@¤### ###¤@§/=:,
,:=/§@¤### ###¤@§/=:,
,:=/§@¤### ###¤@§/=:,
,:=/§@¤¤## ,,,,§§## växjö ##§§,,,, ##¤¤@§/=:,
,:=§@¤#### ####¤@§=:,
,:=/§@¤### the apartment smells of old coffee and ###¤@§/=:,
,,,:===/@¤ sweeteners. i don't know how i let it ¤@/===:,,,
,:=/§@¤### get like this. it's not intentional. ###¤@§/=:,
,,:=///§¤¤ ¤¤§///=:,,
,,,,,=§@## i wear yellow tinted glasses. the room ##@§=,,,,,
,:=/§@¤### changes shape a lot. right now there's ###¤@§/=:,
,:=/@¤#### a blue sofa with yellow seams. i ####¤@/=:,
,:=/§@¤### experiment with different colored ###¤@§/=:,
,,,,,=§@¤# lights. i'm learning things. #¤@§=,,,,,
,:=/§@¤### ###¤@§/=:,
,:=/§@¤### my thoughts are revolving around time, ###¤@§/=:,
,,,,,:/§¤# and the perception of it. can i make it #¤§/:,,,,,
,,,,,=§§¤# rigid? if i really want to, can i make #¤§§=,,,,,
,:=/§@¤### it feel like there is enough of it? ###¤@§/=:,
,:=/§§§¤¤# also, and maybe, ultimately, more #¤¤§§§/=:,
,:=/§@¤### important - can i make it feel like it ###¤@§/=:,
,:=/§@¤### doesn't matter? ###¤@§/=:,
,:=///@@¤# #¤@@///=:,
,:=/§@¤### ###¤@§/=:,
,:=/§@@¤¤# #¤¤@@§/=:,
,:=/§@¤### ###¤@§/=:,
,:=/§@¤¤¤¤ ¤¤¤¤@§/=:,