,£&.@&¨£¨, ,.@,&§¨¤§&
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@.#@.¤&,.& ,£&.¨££.£,
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,¨¨£§¨££#¤ §£§£@@§#¨,
@¨.,..¨££@ #~=~ =«« -»« «~= »=» ~~~ =«~ =«- »=-# #¨..£#.,§£
.,@££§.,&¨ = Page On Snake Handling. † ,,£...¨¨.£
,¨¨@¤¨.... #~~« «-= ~-~ ==« =»» «=- ~~- =»» ~»»# &¨¨¨£&£&¨¨
£¤.,.¨§¤#£ ,,@¨.§¤,,§
&,.§¤,,£¤& The Goal Is Anyway To Become Lucid ¤...,.¨.,,
¨,.¨.,¨¨§¤ Inside The Dream (If The Dream Is A ,.&@§&£,
¤@##§#£.¨¨ Container) Or While The Dream Takes ¨..@£§§£..
,#@¤#£¨.@§ Place (If It Is An Event). This Is ¤§,.£#¤.¨.
,¨£¤£.¨,¨@ Somehow To Do With Serpents. ¤,¨,,&.,&£
¨.¨§,¨§&,. ,,£&.,¨,¨.
££.¨.¨,,¨£ #=«« «=« ~»- -~» ~«- »«~ ~»= »»« =-=# @,.,¨¤£#¤&
&¨.&@£#£,, : I Knew There Would Be Snakes, They * ,¨£@..@@§&
,,,¨@#&,.. / Have This Particular Shape To Them, * ,,,,.,.#§&
¨£¤.¨¤,¨#¤ * Makes Them Fit Into Cracks, : &¤#&,,@.
.,,..¨¨.,¨ † Into Seams. * &¤&£&¨.¨¨,
#¤@#§¤££&§ = ,..-~§»=¨,, : ¤£§£,¨§§&¤
§&&¤§¤ = (Since Realm-Travelness Is Inversely * ,&¤.,,.¤§¤
#§&§¤§@#@@ = Proportional To Size; Larger Animals = ,.¨¨#£.¨#£
@@¤§£¤##§§ \ Have To Stay Put. / #@§,¨..,¨£
§§§&§#£@§@ \ Snakes Can Cheat This By Being \ §@¨,§@#§,,
¨£¤§£§#¤@§ ^ Almost One-Dimensional.) : §.,,,&§..,
,¨¤¤¤#£@§, #-«- »»» ~=~ =»~ --» »«= --« =~= »~»# .,#£.¨.¨@§
,¨,#¤#£@.. .¨,¨,&§¨¨,
@¤,¨¤£&.,, Eitherway. I Did Not Fully Understand §&£#,.¨¨#&
@¨.¨.¤,,££ Which Role They Would Play, Or Exactly ¨§@.,##¨¨£
.,#§¨.¨,,¨ ~Which~ Snakes They Would Be - The ..¨.,,.,¨¨
§..¨,@§& Nagas! The Snake people. £&@§¤&£#¤@
.¨@£,,££#, §§#£¤¤¤@£¤
,¨¨,¨¨,@.¨ You Will Want Them To Guide You If You ¨¤#&£§£¤¤.
¤¤#@¤&,.,¨ Can. They Are Excellent Nidra Guides, .,#§££&@¨.
,&&&&,.@#£ And Many Will Take You On Pro Bono §..#£§@,,¨
.,@¤..¨.§¨ (I Suspect They Find Amusement In Our .¨.¨##,¨¤&
¨¨,,¨§£¨¨¨ Attempts To Travel Where We Are Not £¤£..,...¨
@¤¤§,¨,,£¨ Easy To Be.) The Problem Is Finding One. §&¨,¤£#¤¤§
#£@,¨&£..¨ ,,.¨¨#&&££
&@,,..¨.¤. #~=- »«~ ««~ =-» ~=~ ~~= --- »~~ ~-»# ¤##§.,#&&@
&¨,¤&§£¨,¨ \ Don'T Fret If Your Meeting Does Not : ,§@¨,.,&££
......@. = Go Well - Talking To A Snake Is \ ..¨,&£¨.¤§
¨£@¨¨¨¨,¨¨ \ Often A Recursive Matter. You Will * .#§,,¨¨,,¨
.¨.¨¤##§@@ ^ Meet Many Times As You Fall Deeper, * ¨...@££@¤£
.¤§,¨@£££& : Once Per Stage, The Snake Taking * £@£.,@£#@.
..,...@#&, = Various Forms In Succession (Stream, † £¤¨¨.¨£&,,
@&@&&.,§.. ^ Snake, Half-Snake, Queen, Stream, : ¨¨.@#.¨,,@
¤£@@,,,¨,@ \ Thunder). You Must Repeat All : ¤¤..¨.§@.,
,##,¨&§§¨. ; Pleasantries Each Time As If You'Ve ; §¨.@&..,,¨
..,,¨.#¨.& / Never Before Met (Although The Snake ; .,¨.¨,§&¤&
¨£@§¤.,¨¨¨ \ May Choose To Address You As An Old : ,#££§.,#&¨
,,&@,¨£§£, = Friend, Follow Their Lead If So). † .¨§£¨.,,¨,
£,..,,,£,¨ #~«= -~- =~» «~« ~~« ~=~ «=« ~»- -~»# ¤,¨¨¨&££§#
¨,§§§§,¨¨, ¨,§#..£§&¤
,¨.@@.,@§¤ They Have Something To Do With Water, ..,¨,¨¨¤¤.
@£,¨¨¨,¨§. Some Close Relation To It. I'Ve Yet To §¤§§&¤..¨.
,,.£@@¤.,. Uncover What This Is. But You Might @£#§&.,¤£¨
¤¤,,#@..£§ Have A Higher Chance Of Finding One &¤£@¨,¨.,,
.¨.,.,,¨¨£ Close To A River Or Lake...? ¤¤£.,£@&£¨
£§§§§§##¨¨ ,@,,¨,@&.,
¨¤§§§@#.¨£ I'Ve Also Heard Them Mentioned Together ¨¨¨£@.¨,.,
¨.§##§,,,, With Caves Or "The World Beneath The ¨#¨.¨,§¤&§
.¨,@£,.§§, World". Coincidence? You Find Regular .,.§@,¨¤&¨
¤@¨,.¨.¨,. Snakes In Regular Caves. Or - Could .¤,.,..,..
¨,,§@§&@£# This Be A Reference To The Dark lake? ¨,.&¤@£@£.
§¤..¤@#£¤& The Holy Water In The Center Of Your .£.¨£@§&..
.,.,,§£#&¤ Chest. Guardians? .,.¨.@@,,,
£&¤£.,&§ ,¤,,.,#£
&@§¨,¨.¤@¤ ¨.&,.#£,.&
§#¨,&¤,¨¤# &.¨¨.,,.¨¨
.,,,,.,,.# ¨.&£§§¤&§,
&§#@&&¨. ,,.¤¤£#@.,